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These are the healthiest nuts

These are the healthiest nuts

Actually, all nuts are healthy. They contain good fats and fiber and are full of vitamins and minerals. Santé has listed the healthiest nuts.

Almond nuts

Almonds are the healthiest of all healthy nut varieties. It contains countless good fats and the almond nut contains more fiber than other nuts and that also applies to the amount of vitamin E.


The pistachio nut contains the most vitamin B6 and potassium. In addition, there are a lot of fiber in these nuts and pistachios help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Moreover, the nut is good for your blood pressure and your weight.

Read also: ‘What nutrients are in nuts?‘


Walnuts are high in omega 3 fats. They can lower your cholesterol, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, and they are very effective against inflammation.

Cashew nuts

Eighteen cashew nuts contain no less than 5 grams of protein. They also contain the most iron and zinc of all nuts, substances that are very important for your immune system. If you are a vegetarian, this nut is perfect to keep your iron levels up. Cashew nuts are also an important source of copper and magnesium.


Hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E. For those who want to get pregnant or are just pregnant:this nut contains a lot of folic acid. It is recommended to take extra folic acid a month before conception until the tenth week of your pregnancy.

Macadamia nuts

These nuts have the most calories, but they are so tasty! But even though they are so high in calories, of all the nuts they contain the most unsaturated fats, perfect for the keto diet. In addition, they lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, stress and help fight inflammation.


Pecans are full of fiber and unsaturated fats. Several studies show that pecans can lower bad LDL cholesterol in those who have normal cholesterol levels.