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Food diary Sabine Koning from OhMyFoodness

Food diary Sabine Koning from OhMyFoodness

Sabine Koning is the travel-loving foodie behind the online platform OhMyFoodness. With her love for comfort food, Sabine is a true guilty pleasure queen. Her two passions come together on the blog:cooking and travelling. Here you can read her food diary

Eating diary Sabine Koning

Sabine also publishes daily on various social media and is the author of Guilty pleasures cookbook, Reishonger, Cheesecake and the Ohmyfoodness Agenda. Her cookbook Oh My Foodness! The tastiest comfort food recipes will be published in October 2021. Sabine lives with her boyfriend Tim and sons Vic (4) and Cody (almost 2) in Apeldoorn.


“I often don't feel very hungry in the morning and I don't eat until twelve o'clock. Sometimes I have a bowl of cottage cheese with some fruit and granola or a peanut butter and sprinkles sandwich. Fixed price:a cappuccino with soy milk.”


“When I'm at the office, my lunch is relatively extensive. Especially on a cooking day, I often make six different dishes. Some of the dishes go home for dinner, some I shift to the neighbors for lunch and I eat some myself. Sometimes this is a delicious pasta dish or casserole, other times a sandwich or well-filled salad.”


“We eat differently every day. I take home what I've cooked or quickly whip up something after picking up the kids. My favorite easy meals are pasta dishes and curries.”


“I always drink water in between and a cappuccino in the evening. In between I eat fruit or a snack of something I baked myself. Thanks to the enormous amount of mail (often snacks!) I receive for work, eating healthy is quite difficult. I have to force myself not to walk to the candy drawer too often.”

Santé is allowed the cookbook OhMyFoodness – The tastiest comfort food recipes given away! Enter the giveaway here.

Photography:Bart Honingh , source:Santé 10