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Sick from your own kitchen

Sick from your own kitchen

Every day about 2,000 people contract a food infection, a large part of those infections are contracted in their own kitchen. With these 8 tips you prevent yourself from getting sick because of your own kitchen.

1. It already starts in the store When shopping, pay attention to the best-before date and check whether the packaging is intact. Buy products that can go bad last and put them directly in the fridge at home.

2. Organize your fridge correctly The coldest place in the refrigerator is at the back against the wall. The vegetable drawer is slightly less cold, so vegetables are not damaged by the cold. Keep this in mind when you put products in the fridge. Did you know, for example, that it is better not to store a carton of milk in the rack in the door?

3. Replace your dishcloth regularly
A dishcloth is the ideal place for bacteria. It is therefore preferable to replace your dishcloth every day and wash it as warm as possible, but at least at 60 degrees.

4. Keep ingredients separate
Do not allow prepared food to come into contact with raw food. Use a separate cutting board and knife for slicing meat.

5. Heat your food properly
By heating food, you don't give bacteria a chance. Do you ever heat up leftovers in the microwave? Turn the food once in a while, so it can get warm everywhere.

6. Keep what you have left in the fridge
Put or put products such as milk, meats and vegetables back in the refrigerator as soon as possible. Or better yet:only take what you need and leave the rest in the fridge. This prevents the products from spoiling extra quickly. Always keep leftovers in the fridge.

7. Clean the refrigerator regularly
Dry the boards after cleaning with a clean dry cloth, otherwise bacteria will immediately spread again.

8. Wash your hands
Always wash your hands before preparing food and after handling raw meat or vegetables. Make it a habit to wash your hands after every toilet visit. How long should you wash your hands?

More tips
All these tips come from the Ziekmakers you do not see campaign. As part of this campaign, the Nutrition Center is giving more tips to keep your kitchen healthy.