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20 Very Dangerous Food Additives (To Banish From Your Diet).

20 Very Dangerous Food Additives (To Banish From Your Diet).

They're everywhere...and yet you can't see them. Who ? Food additives.

Look at any ingredient list on a product purchased from the supermarket.

And you will see them on the labels. They hide behind the letter E.

Agri-food industries are required to include them in the composition of products.

And some of them are to be avoided, because they hide substances that are dangerous for our health...

So here is the list of food additives dangerous to your health, including 20 very dangerous ingredients . Watch:

20 Very Dangerous Food Additives (To Banish From Your Diet).

Click here to print the table in PDF here and keep it with you when shopping.

Because buying products made with flour, sugar, eggs...yes!

But buying products full of harmful additives for your health and that of children, no thanks!

20 very harmful additives

- E102
- E104
- E110
- E110
- E120
- E124
- E129
- E150c
- E150d
- E210
- E211
- E212
- E213
- E249
- E250
- E251
- E252
- E284
- E285
- E320


E120 - E123 - E131 - E171 - E319 - E338 - E339 - E340 - E341 - E343 - E432 - E433 - E434 - E435 - E436 - E442 - E450 - E451 - E452 - E466 E468 - E469 - E471 - E472b - E472d - - E472e - E472f - E473 E474 - E475 - E476 - E477 - E479b - E481 - E482 - E491 E492 - E493 E494 - E495 - E520 - E522 - E523 - E541 - E551 - E552 - E553b - E554 - E555 E - 6 E6120 - -


E104 - E950 - E249 - E250 - E251 - E214 - E215 - E216 - E217 - E218 - E219 - E131 - E132 - E133 - E249

Danger for children

E210 - E212 - E213 - E104 - E122 - E211 - E338 - E252


E951 - E954 - E141 - E173


E103 - E105 - E111 - E121 - E123 - E125 - E125 - E130 - E152 - E171

Gastric disorders

E338 - E339 - E340 - E341 - E343 - E450 - E461 - E462 - E463 - E465 - E466

Skin diseases

E151 - E160 - E231 - E232 - E239 - E311 - E312 - E320 - E907 - E951 - E1105

Intestinal disorders

E154 - E626 - E627 - E628 - E629 - E630 - E631 - E631 - E632 - E633 - E634 - E635

Blood pressure

E154 - E250 - E252

20 Very Dangerous Food Additives (To Banish From Your Diet).

Click here to print this list in PDF format.

Harmless food additives

But let's not mix things up! Some food additives do not pose a health hazard.

Thus, natural extracts are not dangerous. This is the case of beta-carotene extracted from carrots which is found under the name E160.

Among the harmless food additives, we also find natural dyes:E100 for turmeric, E150 for caramel or E160c for paprika.

These food additives are found in many foods, including organic products.

Taste enhancers

Some additives are used to enhance the taste of dishes.

Very practical when an industrial dish is bland... we add a pinch of magic chemical powder and presto, we have a dish with taste.

Very often, we use glutamate, the famous E621 (or E622, E623, E624, E625), or MSG of its little name

It is found in many products, such as crisps, sauces, savory or sweet biscuits and industrially prepared dishes, and in particular ready-made Asian dishes.

The problem is that in large quantities, glutamate is toxic to neurons, especially in children.

Another consequence, it disrupts our appetite by disrupting our hormones.

Because of it, we become addicted to certain foods... like crisps!

In addition, it has a bad influence on our blood sugar, which promotes diabetes.

It may also accelerate premature aging of the brain.

To discover :The Recipe for Delicious Homemade Crisps with Potato Peelings.

Industrial dyes

Industrial dyes give beautiful colors to food:a very pink ham, brightly colored sweets...

They are found under the code E100 to E199, for example E124 for red.

But unlike natural dyes, industrial dyes are dangerous.

Blue, cochineal red and quinoline yellow dyes should be avoided at all costs.

Studies have suggested a link between the consumption of these dyes and hyperactivity, behavioral problems, headaches, vision problems and ultimately an increased risk of cancer.

Note that since January 1, 2020, the additive E171 (titanium dioxide) used for its opacifying and coloring properties (white) is prohibited in foods...

...but not in beauty products or medicines.

One more good reason to make your own cosmetics!

The curators

Preservatives can be found under the code E200.

As their name suggests, they help keep a product longer.

It is in this category that we find the infamous parabens.

Remember that parabens are accused of disrupting female hormones and promoting certain cancers, including breast cancer.

Nitrates, sodium and potassium nitrites (E250 and E251) are also classified in this category.

They are found in particular in charcuterie and ham, but also in certain industrial cheeses and fish.

A high consumption of sodium nitrates causes asthma, hyperactivity, dizziness, drops in blood pressure or even nausea.

Another problem, the World Health Organization (WHO) considers them probable carcinogens, especially for colorectal cancers.

In the category of preservatives, there is another additive to absolutely avoid:it is sodium benzoate (E211).

We find a lot of it in sodas, pies, commercial jams.

So many sweet products that children are fond of. Thus, the quantities of E211 absorbed each day can quickly be significant.

The problem is that this additive is suspected of promoting hyperactivity in children. Hypersensitivity and allergic reactions have also been noted.


Not recommended also the additives E 450, E451 and E452 which include phosphates.

And for good reason:they promote cardiovascular and kidney problems.

Absorbed in too large quantities, they increase the risk of developing certain cancers.

It is often found in sodas, industrial cheeses, deli meats and industrial bakeries.

To discover: How Sodas DESTROY Your Body.


Emulsifiers are used to give a pleasant texture to the food product you buy.

They are often present in ice creams, yoghurts, mousses.

Their small code name is E491, E492, E493, E494, E495...

They are accused of unbalancing the intestinal flora.

But they also increase the porosity of the walls of the intestine.

They can also promote inflammation, allergies, diabetes and colon cancer.

Artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners give the taste of sugar without adding calories.

This allows us a few deviations without weighing on the scales...

But sweeteners found under codes E950 to E968 (aspartame, sucralose, cyclamate, neotame, saccharin, compounds) should also be avoided.

Why ? Because they can cause chronic fatigue, migraines and even promote neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.

To discover: Here Are The 4 Best And 4 Worst Sugar Substitutes For Your Health.


20 Very Dangerous Food Additives (To Banish From Your Diet).

There you go, you now know all the food additives to avoid like the plague when shopping :-)

For more information on food additives, see What to Choose Food Additives Guide.

To go further, you can also consult Corinne Gouget's book Food additives:the essential guide to stop poisoning yourself.

But if you want good advice, avoid products whose ingredient list is as long as your arm!

Always beware, as these products are full of food additives and chemical ingredients.

To avoid these food additives, you can buy as many organic products as possible.

Although food additives creep into organic products, most are not too harmful.

But the best is still to make as many things as possible at home:cakes, exotic dishes, simple and inexpensive recipes, chicken, gratins, soups...

At least we are sure to eat healthy food... and save money!

Your turn...

And you, do you avoid additives in the products you buy? Tell us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!