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By losing weight you no longer live

By losing weight you no longer live

Not in the mood to lose weight? Perhaps you are quite right. According to these scientists, losing weight has no effect on longevity.

Two professors from Venezuela examined twenty studies on the effect of losing weight on health † And what turned out? The death rate rose just after weight loss.

Higher death rate
Fifteen of the twenty studies indicated that the death rate increased after weight loss † In only five of the studies, the death rate fell after losing weight.

A little side note:Not all weight loss is planned. For example, it can also be the result of a disease † Therefore, the researchers took the nine planned weight loss studies separately. In seven of those nine studies, the death rate also rose. There was a decrease in only two studies.

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Yo-yo effect most unhealthy
So what do the researchers recommend to us? Especially the yo-yo effect everyone should avoid † Moreover, weight loss should not be a goal in itself, focus on healthy food and lots of exercise

Note:Still other researchers did not arrive at the same results. They mainly saw a neutral effect on the death rate after weight loss. Yet another study found a decrease in the death rate after weight loss only in diabetics.

More about losing weight and exercising>

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