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Women on the pill live longer

Women on the pill live longer

In addition to pregnancy, the pill also protects against various diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular problems. This is shown by research from the University of Aberdeen.

Since 1968, the researchers analyzed the data of 46,000 women. The data showed that women who took the Pill were 15 percent less likely to die from cancer than women who had not taken contraception.

On average, there are 52 fewer deaths per 100,000 women each year thanks to the Pill. In women under the age of 40, the protective effect does not yet exist, but when the women are over forty, the pill protects according to the researchers.

The researchers do not have an explanation, but it may be the hormones in the pill that provide protection † Another possibility is that women who have taken the pill in the past are more concerned with their health.