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Support someone while losing weight

Support someone while losing weight

Losing weight comes with many ups and downs. You can use some support from the people around you. How do you support someone who is losing weight?

Listen to stories
Not everyone is eager for unintentional training advice and nutritional tips, but a listening ear is always nice. Listen to stories and be understanding when things go wrong.

Be positive
Losing weight has tough moments, when everything seems to be going against you. Listen to complaints, but be cautious about commenting. Instead, try to encourage them to continue. For weight loss you simply need a long breath, where you have to keep the end goal in mind!

Don't insist
Don't insist on eating something tasty. No is no. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is difficult enough without the temptation of good food.

Train along
Exercising together is more fun, it is motivating and you can't get out of it that easily. Therefore offer yourself as a training buddy.

How do you support people in your area who are working on losing weight?