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10 foods to live longer.

10 foods to live longer.

Want to live longer?

That's what I thought.

Well know that there are many foods to stay healthy.

Here are the 10 foods you should eat to live longer.

Discover them now:

10 foods to live longer.

1. Garlic

If I had to choose just one, it would be garlic! The Egyptians already used it to treat headaches or hypertension.

Garlic has a very beneficial action on the cardiovascular system. But that's not all!

Garlic has many other virtues:

- antibacterial thanks to allicin,

- antiseptic thanks to its phenolic acids,

- antioxidant thanks to flavonoids,

- anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial,

- repairer of the intestinal flora thanks to the insulin it contains,

- "booster" of the immune system thanks to its vitamins A, B, C and E.

Cooked or raw, garlic can be eaten daily, so don't wait any longer!

2. Red fruits

Their color is due to the presence of natural pigments such as lycopene in strawberries, or anthocyanins in blackberries.

Anyway, these red, mauve, pink, blue pigments are extremely effective in fighting against cellular aging.

Perhaps the most effective remains the cranberry (also known as or cranberry), which is the champion of antioxidants!

3. Dark chocolate

Good news for gourmets:dark chocolate is good for your health, and it's scientifically proven!

Dark chocolate is beneficial for the cardiovascular system. This is explained by the presence of flavonoids, famous antioxidants.

But that's no reason to binge! It is advisable to be reasonable and to favor dark chocolate, less sweet and less fatty than milk chocolate, or white "chocolate".

4. Whole grains

Whole grains such as wheat or rice are significantly richer in fiber and minerals than refined grains.

Fiber is not only useful for fighting intestinal laziness. They are also essential to prevent certain disorders such as cardiovascular diseases or diabetes.

Whole grains would allow to age in good health and even to lengthen the life expectancy.

Researchers have in fact noted a reduced risk of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in all those who consume these cereals.

5. Olive oil

Among the foods for a long life, there is obviously olive oil.

A symbol of Mediterranean cuisine, it is renowned for its beneficial effects on health:

- It contains polyphenols with strong antioxidant properties that fight against the formation of excess free radicals.

- The presence of vitamin E protects the cells.

- Oleic acid lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

6. Algae

Lungs of the Earth, true sources of benefits, algae are the allies of a healthy diet.

Extremely rich in minerals and vitamins, it is in our interest to include seaweed in our raw or cooked menus. Toning, they are recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women but also for the elderly and children.

In Asia, they are known to prevent hypertension, hyperthyroidism and tumors.

7. Green tea

Low in theine, but very rich in vitamins and antioxidants, green tea is the most famous tea for its medical properties. It is eaten as food and can be used as a cosmetic.

Green teas from Japan are the richest in antioxidant powers (notably thanks to their high concentration of catechins).

It even seems that green tea promotes the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

8. Aromatic herbs

Rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil, mint, etc. are very rich in essential oils and are said to have anti-cancer properties.

In addition, each aromatic herb has its specificities:basil has antibacterial properties, chives promote the elasticity of the vessels, mint is particularly rich in antioxidants...

9. Citrus

Citrus fruits are known for their richness in vitamin C, a champion in stimulating the immune system. Another important role of vitamin C is its antioxidant effect which protects cells.

Citrus fruits are also rich in flavonoids which act in synergy with vitamin C.

If lemon is too acidic for you, choose grapefruit, tangerine or even orange!

10. Nuts

Walnuts contain vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals that cause cell oxidation. They also contain plant sterols that reduce cholesterol levels.

On average, 85% of the fat in tree nuts is unsaturated.

Regular consumption of nuts has health benefits:

- decrease in bad cholesterol;

- reduced risk of cardiovascular disease;

- decrease in type 2 diabetes;

- reduced risk of gallstones;

- reduced risk of certain cancers, especially colon cancer in women.

All these virtues are a good reason to include nuts in your diet, without abusing them of course.

In short, you have understood, our food can be our best friends! But be sure to consume them in moderation to keep their benefits.