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Suffering from hay fever? These 5 Things Make It Even Worse

Suffering from hay fever? These 5 Things Make It Even Worse

Sneezing, itchy eyes, a lifeless feeling. All complaints associated with hay fever. These 5 things just make it worse.

You should pay attention to this.

1. You let your laundry dry outside

The laundry that you dry outside becomes wonderfully fresh. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of things blowing around outside that can make your hay fever worse.

2. You wear clothes twice

It helps to change into clean clothes every day, especially if you've been outside a lot. Pollen sticks to your clothes. Therefore, do not put worn clothes in the bedroom.

3. You wear lenses

Do you have a lot of trouble with your eyes due to hay fever? Then your lenses can make that worse. You can wear sunglasses outside to protect your eyes from pollen.

4. The weather

On dry and sunny days with a light wind you suffer the most from hay fever. Dry and sunny are the ideal weather conditions for trees and plants to release pollen. The wind then blows them through the air.

5. Fragrances

In some people, scents from scented candles, perfume or detergent, for example, make the hay fever symptoms worse.

Read also:Hay fever file:all ins & outs