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Want to be happier? Stop Doing These 10 Things Right Now.

Want to be happier? Stop Doing These 10 Things Right Now.

Sometimes the road to happiness involves stopping doing certain things in his life.

Happiness, in professional or personal life, is very often a question of subtraction and not of addition.

Imagine, for example, what would happen if you stopped doing these 10 things:

Want to be happier? Stop Doing These 10 Things Right Now.

1. Blame others

People make mistakes. Your employees are not meeting your expectations. Suppliers do not deliver on time. Result, you blame them. But you too are to blame.

Maybe you haven't trained them enough. Maybe you asked for too much, too soon.

Taking responsibility when things go wrong instead of blaming others is not a masochistic reflex. On the contrary, it makes you stronger.

So you focus on how you can make things better, and how to do them smarter next time.

And when you improve or perfect yourself, you feel happier.

2. Wanting to impress others

No one loves you for your clothes, your car, your possessions, your job title, or your success. All of these are just "things".

People may like what you have, but that doesn't mean they like you.

On the surface, you may believe that these people love you, but that's superficial and superficiality doesn't last.

A relationship that is not based on values ​​is not a real relationship.

Authentic relationships are what make people happy.

The only way to build authentic relationships is to stop trying to impress others around you and start trying to just be yourself.

3. Stick to your guns

When you're scared or feel insecure, you cling to what you know, even if what you know isn't particularly good for you.

Not being afraid or not feeling insecure is not happiness:it is simply an absence of fear or insecurity.

Clinging to the things you think you need won't make you happier.

Letting go of the past and moving forward to achieve your goals is the only way to be happier.

Even if you can't get what you want, just trying will make you feel better and give you confidence.

4. Cut off speech

Interrupting someone isn't just rude. When you interrupt someone, what you're really saying is, "I don't want to keep listening to you because I already know what I want to say."

Want people to like you? Listen to what they say. Focus on what they are saying. Ask questions to make sure you understand their words.

By adopting this attitude, you will see that people will love talking with you. And you'll love the feeling it gives you, too.

5. Whine

The things you say have power, especially over you. Whining about your problems doesn't make you happier. On the contrary, it affects you even more.

If something goes wrong, don't waste time complaining. Put all your energy into improving the situation.

Unless you want to grieve your whole life, you're going to have to get to that point anyway.

So why waste time? Do not wait and try to fix the situation now.

Stop talking about what's wrong. Instead, talk about what you're going to improve, even if that conversation is only between you and...yourself.

And do the same with your friends or colleagues. Don't just be the shoulder they come to cry on. True friends don't leave loved ones whining – friends are there to help make life better.

6. Wanting to control everything

Yes, you may be the boss. Yes, you may be the leader in your field. Yes, you may be the person who drives others forward.

Yet the only thing you really control is you.

If you're trying hard to control other people, you've decided that you, your goals, your dreams, or even just your opinions are more important than theirs.

Also, the feeling of being in control of others is only short term at best. Why?

Because this impression is often based on force, fear, authority or some form of pressure. But no one can feel good about themselves with this kind of behavior.

Find people who want to go in the same direction as you. They will work harder, having more fun, while creating better work opportunities and developing better personal relationships.

Result, you will all be much happier :-)

7. Criticize

Maybe you are very educated. Maybe you have a lot of experience. Maybe you've been around the world or climbed every mountain and slain a lot of dragons.

But that doesn't make you better, smarter, or more insightful than others. This is what makes you simply yourself:unique, incomparable, but at the same time, nothing more than you. You are like everyone else, including your employees.

Everyone is different:not better, not worse, just different. Try to appreciate the differences instead of seeing them as flaws.

This will allow you to see people and yourself in a better light.

8. To lecture

Another attitude close to criticism:that of giving advice to the people around you and lecturing them. That sounds a lot like judgment.

The more you learn and the more you experience, the more likely you are to think you know everything and better than others.

That's why you risk spreading all the things you think you know.

When you listen to yourself talking, people may be listening to you but not really paying attention to what you are saying because they don't care.

Feeling that people aren't connected to you when you talk to them is bound to make you more unhappy.

9. Living in the past

The past is precious. Learn from your mistakes. Learn from the mistakes of others. Then leave the past behind.

Easier said than done ? It depends on what you focus on. When something bad happens to you, try to see it as a chance to learn something you didn't know.

If someone around you makes a mistake, try to see it as an opportunity to be kind, forgiving, and understanding.

The past is only a repetition. That's not what defines the person you are today.

You can think about why things went wrong, but only to know how you and the people around you can do better next time.

10. Being afraid

We are all afraid of something:of what might or might not happen, of what we cannot change, or of what we will not be able to do in the future, or of how others people could perceive us.

It is therefore easier to hesitate, to wait for the perfect moment, to think a little longer or to analyze other alternatives.

In the meantime, days, weeks, months or even years can pass.

And your dreams pass without coming true. Don't let your fears get in the way.

Whatever your plans are, what you have imagined or what you have dreamed of, focus on it today.

If you want to start a business, take the first step today.

If you want to change your career, take the first step today.

If you want to expand your business into a new market, offer a new product or service, take the first step today.

Put your fears aside and start now. The most important thing is to take action and start.

Otherwise, today will be gone. And once tomorrow is here, today is lost forever.

The present moment is the most precious asset you have and it's the one thing you should really be afraid of wasting.

There you go, you now know the 10 things to stop doing to be happier :-)