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Detoxing in Algarve:'I'm going cold turkey'

Detoxing in Algarve: I m going cold turkey

Journalist Dagmar (34) needs a reset after months of working from home, stress, too much sugar and an excess of cappuccinos. So she gives herself a week of detoxing as a gift. In other words:only drink juices for eight days.

I blink and look at the "wine glass" in front of me. This glass filled with apple-beet juice will always be my complete meal for the next eight days. swallow. Although I want to do this myself and have done a detox week before - which went less well for me, by the way - I silently do a quick prayer that this week ends better. In any case, it will not be the location.

Read also: 'Recipe:detox drink with apple, pineapple and orange'


In times of corona I managed to go juice fasting at Vitalisé in the Algarve. Especially in this weird time an ultimate gift to myself. Why am I going to detox? Because I want a reset. Not only because of the corona working weeks at home, which means that a seat print is now engraved in my buttocks, but mainly because sugar and cappuccinos have become my first necessity of life, both before and after the burnout a few years ago.

From gin to juice

An eight-day complete corona reset should provide solace and get rid of that sugar need. People who know me know that I'm not a pussy and feel free to look for extremes, so except for a slightly furrowed eyebrow, I mainly got a big thumbs up. And there I am having my first juice in a beautiful white villa with a flowery garden. Besides me, seven more women are detoxing this week. With the exception of one woman, everyone goes for the 'mild fast'. Me and the other woman go for the hardcore 'juice'.


Incidentally, all participants first reduced their feeding schedule before coming here, something Vitalisé advises in preparation for the cure. All guests receive an extensive document with nutritional advice, recipes and tips well in advance. To make your detox as smooth as possible, they recommend, among other things, reducing or stopping caffeine, alcohol, animal products, wheat, sugar and soft drinks a week before departure, and preferably only in the last seven to three days eat and drink fruits and vegetables and natural products. I stubbornly ignored that advice:I go for cold turkey. How 'cold turkey' becomes apparent when I list the meals of the day before my arrival. I had lunch with cake, ate a thick Magnum after my plate of pasta salad and had a gin and tonic with chips 'because it's still possible'.

Whether this is sensible, you can read in the November issue of Santé, which is now available.