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Sleep experts don't do this before going to sleep

Sleep experts don t do this before going to sleep

A good night's sleep is not so obvious. There are plenty of tips online on how to sleep better, but advice from real sleep experts may be the most effective. These are the things they don't do before going to sleep.

Recent research found that only 49 percent are getting the recommended 7 hours of sleep per night. No fewer than 52 percent of the respondents admit that they sleep badly.

Read also: '3 unexpected consequences of sleep deprivation'


Do you also suffer from that? And have you perhaps already tried everything for a better night's sleep? Maybe there is something in between these tips that you can use? Because according to sleep experts, it is also important that you look at what you do before going to bed. For example, they never do the following things before going to sleep:

Don't watch the news

It seems very useful to watch the news in the evening so that you are completely up to date again, but it unconsciously causes quite a bit of unrest. For example, certain subjects can make you very stressed and that is just not what you want before going to sleep. According to a sleep expert, the news can even have the same effect as watching a horror movie.

Working in bed

Quickly read a few emails or catch up on some overdue work… Don't do that when you're lying in bed. Your brain should see the bed as a place for sleep and sex. Not for work. If you do the latter, you trick your brain into thinking that the bed is a place to stay awake rather than relax and fall asleep.

Prefer no work-out in the evening

Insomnia can be helped if you exercise in the morning or during the day. But if you do an intensive workout in the evening, it can help a sleepless night. Even if you think that 'tiring yourself' before going to sleep can ensure a good night's sleep, the opposite happens:you become active, making it more difficult to fall asleep.

No difficult conversations

Try to avoid difficult conversations where emotions can run high before going to bed. Confrontations lead to stress and that is exactly what you want to avoid before going to sleep.

No caffeine

What sleep experts definitely avoid right before bedtime is caffeine. In fact, they don't recommend consuming caffeine after 2pm!