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Candy without going too far:how?

Candy without going too far:how?

There is nothing wrong with enjoying an unhealthy food, quite the contrary. But what if you can't keep track and eat the whole bar or a whole pack of cookies? How can you snack without going too far?

Make sure you don't have too much at home

After a healthy breakfast, a packed lunch at the office and a healthy evening meal, many people only start sniffing in the evening. It helps not to have too much at home. Furthermore, it is best to prepare your snacks in portions. Don't plop on the couch with a bag of chips, but put a handful of chips in a bowl. It's gone.

Read also: '7 tips to snack less'

Don't deprive yourself

If you don't allow yourself to snack, it actually becomes attractive. Consciously enjoy tasty things, but also know when enough is enough.

Wonder why eat

We often eat out of boredom, emotion or habit. So don't just dive into the kitchen cupboards. Consciously ask yourself why you want to eat and what you are craving. By thinking about it consciously, you can avoid starting to eat without limits.

Find distraction

Stop eating when you've finished your portion and then look for a distraction. As soon as you are busy with something else, the thought of food disappears by itself.

Choose your moment

If you know you're going out to dinner tonight, try cutting back on sweets during the day so you can have a guilt-free dessert after dinner. If you enjoy having something delicious with your coffee in the evening, make sure you take this into account by turning down something earlier in the day.

Try to motivate yourself

It's very difficult to get used to sniffing less. It can help to keep in mind what you are doing it for:do you want more energy, lose the last few kilos or set a good example for your children?