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This simple solution helps against an energy dip

This simple solution helps against an energy dip

Suffering from an energy dip? The solution does not lie in the umpteenth cup of coffee, but in something completely different!

Maybe you've had a short night or you've just popped at work, but you suddenly feel bad. And that while you still have to stay in class for a few hours…

Instead of reaching for cup of coffee so much, there's another (simple) drink that can give you an energy boost:water!

Read also: 'Drinking enough water:this is how you do it'


Research at the University of Connecticut shows that water can give your energy level a big boost. Scientists investigated the effect of mild dehydration on women's constitutions. Mild dehydration occurs if you wait to drink until you are really thirsty.


The participants in the study had to take a variety of cognitive and physical tests. The group that did not drink the recommended daily amount of water scored a lot less well on the tests. What was striking was the effect on their constitution; they felt tired more quickly and when asked how they felt, they gave a lower score than the group that drank enough water.

A bottle of water at hand

So it is always handy to have a bottle of water with you. In an earlier article we already showed a number of beautiful sustainable examples.