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Going To Bed Before Midnight Helps You Sleep Better:True or False?

Going To Bed Before Midnight Helps You Sleep Better:True or False?

You are "early riser", "go to bed late", " heavy sleeper?

Either way, we spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping.

Who hasn't already suffered the consequences of a bad night? Concentration difficulties, dark circles, or mood disorders... Sleep is of paramount importance.

It reconnects us with our biological rhythm . Indeed, at night, our body rebuilds, repairs, regenerates.

So, does going to bed before midnight help you sleep better? We often hear that the hours before midnight count double.

True or false ? Back to a received idea.

Going To Bed Before Midnight Helps You Sleep Better:True or False?

  • 1. Some are "morning", others "evening"
  • 2. Do the hours before midnight count double?
  • 3. How to promote a good night's sleep?
  • 4. Natural Remedies for Sleep Disorders

1. Some are "morning", others "evening"

Our sleep patterns are different and everyone adapts to their habits and schedules.

Sleep occurs for everyone every 24 hours . Our internal clock manages a fairly regular cruising speed.

Being a late riser or an early go to bed is in fact a genetic determination . The important thing is therefore to be attentive to your personal biological rhythm and to keep regular schedules .

2. Do the hours before midnight count double?

Sleep breaks down into different cycles which follow one another — light sleep, deep sleep and paradoxical sleep (of dreams) — but which do not always have the same proportion.

Deep sleep will be more important at the beginning of the night and it is this sleep whose "hours count double" and which is the most restorative .

But as it happens at the beginning of sleep, whether you go to bed late or "to bed early", whether you go to bed before or after midnight, you will still benefit from your restorative sleep .

Going to bed before midnight to sleep better is therefore a beautiful urban legend!

3. How to promote a good night's sleep?

The secret is to have a better lifestyle , quite simply.

Now that I know what my rhythm is (stay-to-night), I follow it and I can hear signs of falling asleep.

Above all, we avoid the TV, the computer and the telephone in the bedroom and hearty meals to rest better. Practicing a sport after 5 p.m. is also not recommended.

But I have to admit that it's always better to do it after 5 p.m. than not at all!

4. Natural remedies for sleep disorders

Before going to sleep, I always treat myself to a good herbal tea of ​​lime blossom or verbena before starting a quiet activity.

For me, it's usually reading and, once in a while, a nice bath with lavender flowers with soft music.

And shoo, in bed, and never without my hot water bottle that I place under my knees!

I also place 2 drops of essential oils of thyme, rosewood or lavender next to or on my pillow. For the nervous, a small cure of magnesium chloride is essential.

When I can't sleep, I also practice slow breathing (10 long inhales and 10 second exhales).