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A radiant smile with this APK inspection for your mouth

A radiant smile with this APK inspection for your mouth

A radiant smile, healthy teeth and fresh breath, who wouldn't want that? Have an APK inspection for your mouth with these tips and that radiant smile is within reach.

Provide a healthy foundation

Do you want beautiful and healthy teeth? Then start with the basics:your gums. Healthy gums are pink in color and fit tightly around your teeth. According to the Association of Dental Hygienists, no less than eighty percent of the Dutch sometimes suffer from bleeding gums, which in many cases indicates inflammation. That may seem harmless, but it isn't. Bacteria can enter the bloodstream via the oral mucosa and thus also cause inflammation in the heart.

Do you also suffer from bleeding gums? Then rinse with salt water. Make a mixture of salt and water, rinse thoroughly and you're done. Or opt for a special toothpaste for sensitive necks, such as Paradontax. This toothpaste helps remove plaque and ensures strong teeth.

Read also:'What to do with a white tongue?'

Clean with care

Thoughtlessly and quickly brushing your teeth before diving into bed? When it comes to brushing your teeth, it is best to do so with full attention. Brush with an electric toothbrush. Thanks to the quickly rotating head, your teeth are cleaned better than with a manual toothbrush. It is important how you brush. The danger is that you think that electric toothbrush does the work for you, but it isn't. With electric brushing, you leave the brush on one tooth or molar and move it slowly through your teeth. The following applies to both the electric and manual toothbrushes:if you brush carefully, your teeth will be clean.

Brush your tongue

Has your breath ever been fresher? Then brush your tongue. The plaque on your tongue is the biggest cause of bad breath. Brushing only removes 60% of all plaque. This means that you also have to get started with dental floss, sticks or brushes. Which method suits you best depends on your teeth.

Tack up canker sores

They are small, but can cause a lot of pain:canker sores. One in five Dutch people sometimes suffers from sores on your cheek mucosa, gums or tongue. It is damage that occurs as a result of a reduced resistance, but poor oral hygiene can also be the culprit. Plaque left behind ensures that your oral mucosa is less well protected. Do you clean your teeth thoroughly every day, but do you still see an ulcer? Then check the ingredients of your toothpaste:the foaming agent sodium laureth sulfate can cause canker sores if you are sensitive to it. Vitamin B and zinc deficiency are also possible triggers.

Drink enough (water)

Saliva cleans your oral cavity by preventing bacteria from attaching to the oral mucosa and keeps the acidity of your mouth neutral, so that your enamel wears less. Water is the building material of saliva, so drink it enough.

Feed the good bacteria in your mouth

The thick layer of good bacteria that line the mucous membranes of our intestines, mouth and skin provide protection and ensure that viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites stay at a distance. So it is important that they are fed so that they can survive. You do this by maintaining a diet with lots of indigestible carbohydrates and dietary fiber. Menu tip:lettuce, endive, chicory, salsify, artichoke, onion, leek, asparagus and garlic.

Source:Santé March 2019 Text:Marlies Hanse