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Intuitive eating in 6 steps

Intuitive eating in 6 steps

Lunch every day at twelve o'clock sharp and dinner at six o'clock? According to some, a bad idea, because your body tells you when it wants to eat and what. Intuitive eating would be much healthier and better for the line. But how do you get started? Here's a step-by-step plan.

Step 1:get to know your needs

Intuitive eating is all about becoming aware of your body and your life. So sit down and ask yourself:how do I feel? Am I tired, satisfied, do I need exercise, am I bored? Ask yourself how you can take the best care of yourself today and act accordingly. Are you overcome by hunger or appetite at work? Go to the bathroom and ask yourself:Do I really want to eat or is there something else going on? Consciously tune in to your body and feelings several times a day.

Read also: 'Stay at your ideal weight with these 3 tips'

Step 2:take care of yourself (because you are worth it)

Be kind to yourself. Go to bed on time, get enough sleep and exercise, don't drink too much alcohol and limit stress. If you are hungry, ask yourself:what do I want to eat? And which food ensures that I can grow old healthily? What are healthy choices? Do you know that those choices are worth it and tell yourself that.

Step 3:only eat when you are hungry

Grumbling stomach, feeling light-headed and a little nauseous? Then it's time to eat. Dare to experiment with that, especially in the beginning. This way you learn to feel good when you are really hungry or just feel like a snack.

Step 4:eat mindfully

That is, with attention. Do not snack while making sandwiches or cooking, but wait with that first bite until you are seated at the table. Taste the flavors and chew well and long.

Step 5:stop when you are full

If you eat slowly, you feel better when you are full. You get that feeling when you are no longer hungry, but also not too full. Want to brag more? Then ask yourself:am I really still hungry or do I just want a bite for the taste?

Step 6:shift your attention

We live in a food culture:food is available anytime and anywhere. That's fine, but be aware of how many times a day you are occupied with food and try to shift that focus. How do you best clear your head? By taking a walk, working out at the gym, playing with your kids or calling a friend? Consciously seek distraction, then you automatically think less about food.

Want to know more about intuitive eating? You can find an extensive file about this in the December issue of Santé, which is now in the shops.