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5 tips to cut down on sugar eating

5 tips to cut down on sugar eating

Do you also find it difficult to eat less sugar? There are also so many tasty things available. That's why every tip to make it easier is welcome.

1. Take a chromium supplement

Is your urge to eat sugar strong? Take 150 mcg of chromium . daily until you get over your sugar addiction finished. Chrome supports your pancreas and improves the functioning of insulin in your body. This makes you less craving for sweets.

2. Eat a lot of protein

Proteins ensure that you are full for a longer period of time, so that you do not crave sugar. Start the morning with a vegetable omelette and eat plenty of nuts, seeds, lean meats (chicken, turkey), soy products or tahini, a sesame seed paste for the rest of the day.

3. Stay hydrated

Your body sometimes confuses thirst with being hungry for sugar † When you feel a snack attack coming on, drink plenty of water. It also gives a feeling of fullness.

4. Stay a sugar craving for

If you know you crave a chocolate bar at 4pm, eat a healthy snack by 3pm. , such as raw almonds or walnuts or a piece of fruit.

5. Take a walk

Research shows that chocolate eaters who take a 15-minute detour eat about half the amount of chocolate they normally eat. Even when they are stressed. Such a walk therefore satisfies the appetite for sugar .

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5 tips to cut down on sugar eating 5 tips to cut down on sugar eating