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5x food dilemmas

5x food dilemmas

What was good yesterday is bad for you today. Bread, coffee and milk:are they healthy or not? Santé lists the most confusing food dilemmas for you.

Reduce with coffee?

The Dutch are the biggest coffee drinkers in the world. But is all that coffee really good for your health? In any case, coffee does not have to be banned because of its drying effect. Research shows that a glass of water and a cup of coffee quench thirst just as well. There are also indications that coffee is even healthy. A meta-analysis shows that people who drink coffee live longer. The problem with coffee is mainly in the energizing effect. Coffee can make you feel rushed. Two or three cups definitely won't hurt. But if you quickly get stressed by drinking coffee, it's better to leave it at that.

Read also: '9 tips to waste less food'

Does bread make you fat?

Obediently refuse the bread basket in a restaurant and have a salad for lunch:is that smart? Not if you always do. In fact, it seems that avoiding carbohydrates can be harmful to your health. Research shows that avoiding carbohydrates can have a slowing effect on the thyroid gland, which can mess up your hormones and even make you gain weight.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Fruit contains a lot of sugars and we sometimes forget that. For example, a mango contains just as many calories as a Twix bar. Of course you should not compare a Twix and a mango, because a piece of fruit contains many good nutrients that your body needs. But it is not the case that you should eat unlimited fruit. And the fact that fruit contains so many vitamins and minerals does not apply to apples in any case. There are hardly any nutrients in an apple:water, fiber, fructose, vitamin C and that's it. In that regard, it is better to eat a tomato or an avocado instead of an apple.

Is milk good for everyone?

We were raised with the idea that milk is healthy and that you only get enough calcium from drinking milk. Today, not everyone is convinced that milk is so healthy. It is a myth that milk gives you strong bones. People who drink little milk break their bones just as often as people who consume a lot of dairy.

Egg phobia

Never eat more than one egg a week, because that is bad for your cholesterol. That was the warning for a long time. It is now known that this is more than incorrect. Eggs are actually good for you:they are full of useful substances, contain few calories and give a feeling of satiety due to the protein they contain. Boiled eggs are the healthiest. Do you like fried eggs? Better bake them in coconut or olive oil.

Source:Santé January 2015 Text:Leonora Reijn