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How to Lose Weight Fast in 3 Scientifically Proven Steps.

How to Lose Weight Fast in 3 Scientifically Proven Steps.

Want to shed those extra pounds?

Good news, there are simple and effective diets!

But the problem with diets is that you are always hungry, which can quickly become frustrating...

This is why it is often difficult to follow a diet.

Fortunately, today I reveal diets that are easy to follow, because you will not be hungry between meals.

Thanks to their satiating power, diets low in carbohydrates and calories are super effective.

Here is how to lose weight fast in 3 easy scientifically proven steps . Watch:

How to Lose Weight Fast in 3 Scientifically Proven Steps.


How to Lose Weight Fast in 3 Scientifically Proven Steps.

One of the most effective ways to lose weight fast is to eat fewer carbohydrates.

What does it mean to eat fewer carbohydrates?

Concretely, this means eating less sugar, starchy foods and refined grains.

When you do this, you are less hungry and therefore end up eating fewer calories (source 1).

By adopting this type of diet, your body quickly begins to burn the fat stored in your body.

In addition, it increases your fiber intake and slows down your digestion.

So you absorb nutrients better, you eat less and you feel full longer.

This study also proved that low carbohydrate diets were the most effective for weight loss.


Because it helps reduce appetite, consume fewer calories, effortlessly and without feeling hungry (source 3).

What low carb foods should you eat to lose weight?

The best low carb, nutrient dense foods are:

- Fish (0g)

- Meat (0g)

- Vegetable oil (olive, rapeseed, sunflower, coconut) (0 g)

- Eggs (0.3g)

- Tofu (0.7g)

- Lean white cheese (4.2 g)

- Mushrooms (<5g)

- Green vegetables (<10g)

- Red fruits (<10g)

- Citrus (<10g)

In summary

Eating fewer carbohydrates helps reduce your hunger pangs, regulate your insulin levels and lose weight quickly.

To discover: The 15 Best Foods to Eat to Lose Weight Fast.


How to Lose Weight Fast in 3 Scientifically Proven Steps.

To lose weight fast, all your meals should include the following foods:

- proteins

- good fat

- vegetables

To help you compose your meals with this type of food, try:

- these recipes here low in carbohydrates

- these low-calorie foods here

Eat protein

When dieting, a good protein intake is essential.

Why ? Because your body needs it to be healthy, but not only.

It also needs it to maintain your muscle mass (source 5).

Several studies have also proven that eating enough protein helps you lose weight, feel less hungry and reduce the risk of heart disease (source 6, source 7, source 8).

But then, how to determine the right protein intake, but without eating large portions?

It depends on several factors.

Note that on average, the recommended daily protein intake are (source 9):

- 55 to 90 g per day for men

- 45 to 75 g per day for women

In addition, following a diet that contains protein also helps you:

- reduce the desire to eat and obsessive thoughts related to food by 60%

- reduce the urge to snack late at night by 50%

- increase the feeling of having eaten enough

According to one study, people who follow a high-protein diet reduce their daily calorie intake by 441 calories (source 10, source 11).

Healthy, high-protein foods include:

- meat: beef, chicken, pork and lamb

- fish and seafood: salmon, trout and prawns

- eggs: whole eggs with yolk

- vegetable proteins: beans, legumes, quinoa, tofu and tempeh

Eat vegetables

Vegetables are essential to a diet that works for weight loss.

So fill your plate with leafy greens and low carb vegetables!

You can eat it in large quantities, without increasing your calorie and carbohydrate intake.

Here are the best vegetables you need to eat if you really want to lose weight:

- broccoli

- cauliflower

- spinach

- tomatoes

- kale

- Brussels sprouts

- cabbage

- chard

- lettuce

- cucumber

Eat good fats

Don't be afraid to eat fat!

This is because your body needs good fats no matter what diet you follow.

For example, olive oil and avocado oil are great choices to include in your diet.

On the other hand, there are other fats that you must reduce to be successful in losing weight.

Which ones?

Butter and coconut oil, for example, should be consumed in moderation, as they are high in saturated fat (source 12).


To eat healthy and lose weight, try to include protein, good fats, and vegetables at every meal.

Low in calories and rich in nutrients, leafy greens are great for filling you up and adding substance to your meals.


How to Lose Weight Fast in 3 Scientifically Proven Steps.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessarily necessary to exercise to lose weight!

However, practicing physical activity makes it possible to lose weight much faster .

For example, doing strength training has particularly important benefits.

Indeed, lifting dumbbells allows you to burn an impressive amount of calories (source 13).

In addition, working out prevents the metabolism from slowing down, which often happens when you lose weight (source 14, source 15).

Thus, experts recommend this type of physical activity 3 to 4 times a week .

Don't feel like doing weight training?

Know that you can very well do a cardio workout instead.

For example, walking, jogging, cycling or swimming.

Yes, walking only 30 minutes a day is more than enough to lose weight quickly.

Don't like doing abs? No worries ! Here are 6 exercises that are easy to do even for beginners.


Strength training is a great way to lose weight.

If that's not possible, cardio workouts are also highly effective.

Choose the most suitable option for you.

To discover: Plank Exercise:The 7 Incredible Benefits For Your Body.

Should we count the calories when we go on a diet?

How to Lose Weight Fast in 3 Scientifically Proven Steps.

If you choose to follow a low carb diet, know that there is no need to count calories.

Indeed, it is useless, as long as you limit your carbohydrate intake and favor foods rich in protein, good fats and vegetables low in carbohydrates.

On the other hand, if you are not losing weight despite your diet, it is better to monitor your calorie intake to determine if this is the cause.

If you have opted for a low-calorie diet, use a free online calorie counter, like this one.

Be aware that reducing calories too much does not make you lose weight, and can even be dangerous for your health.

Try to reduce your calories moderately, in a healthy and sustainable way, following the advice of your doctor.


How to Lose Weight Fast in 3 Scientifically Proven Steps.

Here are examples of low carbohydrate meals, with a limited intake of 20 to 50 g of carbohydrates per day.

Each meal also contains protein, good fats and vegetables.

If you want to lose weight while continuing to consume carbohydrates, then choose the following foods:

- quinoa

- oats

- whole wheat

- wheat bran

- rye

- barley

Breakfast ideas

- poached egg with sliced ​​avocado and red fruits

- spinach, mushroom and feta crustless quiche

- smoothie with spinach, avocado and vegetable milk (almond, coconut or hazelnut), with a portion of fromage blanc

- Greek yogurt without sugar with red fruits and almonds

Ideas for lunch

- grilled chicken, black beans, red pepper and salsa, wrapped like a wrap in a lettuce leaf

- coleslaw and spinach salad with grilled tofu, chickpeas and guacamole

- smoked salmon, avocado and asparagus

Ideas for the evening meal

- mixed salad with chicken, peppers, avocado and spices

- ground turkey gratin with mushrooms, onions, peppers and cheese

- mixed antipasti salad with white beans, asparagus, cucumbers, olive oil and parmesan

- roasted cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and pine nuts

- oven-roasted salmon with sesame oil and zucchini

Ideas for snacking between meals

- mix of nuts and dried fruits

- cottage cheese with cinnamon and linseed

- spiced roasted chickpeas

- roasted pumpkin seeds

- "edamame beans " steamer (young beans that are served in Japanese restaurants)

If you need energy during the day, I recommend these 15 snacks to easily take to work.


How to Lose Weight Fast in 3 Scientifically Proven Steps.

During the first week of the diet, you can lose between 2 and 4 kg (or even more).

Obviously, you will continue to lose weight steadily for all the following weeks.

The first week usually corresponds to a loss of fat and water in the body.

And if it's your first time on a diet, chances are you'll lose weight even faster.

Also, the more weight you have to lose, the faster you will lose it.

Unless otherwise advised by your doctor , losing 2 to 4 kilos per week is safe for your health.

Finally, know that a low-carb diet not only helps you lose weight...

...but also has other health benefits, namely:

- significantly reduce blood sugar levels (source 30)

- regulate triglyceride levels (source 31)

- reduce the level of LDL, the "bad" cholesterol (source 32)

- improve blood pressure (source 33)

As for low-calorie diets, they improve metabolic markers and slow aging (source 34, source 35, source 36).

Your turn...

Have you tried these weight loss tips? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!