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How to change your eating pattern

How to change your eating pattern

Sometimes it is necessary to change your eating pattern, for example because of a diet, an allergy or an intolerance. It can be quite tricky. In any case, keep these 3 things in mind.

1. Why do you adjust your eating pattern?

It is difficult if you are suddenly no longer allowed to eat gluten, or if you want to cut back on sugar. It helps if you keep in mind why you are doing it. For example, you want to feel better or fitter and to achieve that, you have to adjust your diet.

Read also: 'What effect do the holidays have on your diet?'

2. Vary as much as possible

You may miss out on essential nutrients due to a one-sided menu. And if your daily menu is so balanced that no nutrients are missing, it will eventually become boring to eat the same thing every day. So think about how you can vary more. It doesn't have to be difficult:use different spices and always choose a different method of preparation. Cooking, baking, stir-frying and grilling all provide a different taste.

3. Write down what you eat

Your diet is something that has become ingrained over the years. Keep track of what you eat for a week. This way you gain insight into your eating pattern and you can better determine what you would like to change about it.