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Vitamins to take during menopause

Menopause, we don't like to talk about it, but every woman has to deal with it sooner or later. Although it is a natural process, it is a difficult period in their lives for many women. It is a phase where menstruation becomes irregular and eventually disappears altogether. Only if you haven't had your period for a year can you assume that you won't get it again. The last menstrual period is called menopause. Menopause usually occurs somewhere between the ages of 45 and 60. The entire transition period can last as long as seven to ten years.

During the transition you go from a fertile period to an infertile period because your eggs run out, because estrogen is no longer produced, causing a shortage. Because the body does need this hormone, the menopause can be accompanied by menopausal symptoms. Think of hot flashes, mood swings, fatigue, muscle pain and insomnia. Do not listen to people who say that it will go away on its own or that it is part of it, because you really don't have to keep walking around with menopausal complaints. In most cases you can do something about this, so that the complaints reduce or even disappear completely. For this you can take tablets that are specially made for this period in life.

In addition to the above complaints, the transition also affects the strength of the bones and the quality of the skin. Because the amount of collagen decreases, the skin becomes less elastic and firm. Vitamin D, K, calcium and magnesium can help the bones and vitamin C the skin. Omega-3 fatty acids can help maintain hormonal balance.

Do you want to know if you are in the menopause, or do you already know and do you want to do something about it? For the above supplements and vitamins you can go to Vitaminstore, which has a special, extensive selection that can help you with your complaints.