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Take care of your oral health

Take care of your oral health

It is well known, nobody likes going to the dentist. 13% of French people are even afraid to go there[1]. Want to know the best way to limit your dental appointments? Have good oral health. For that, here are some very useful tips.

Oral health:why is it important?

It is often said that a smile is contagious, but it still has to show beautiful teeth! For this, there is only one secret:to have good oral health. This will allow you, as you will have understood, to have beautiful teeth, but above all healthy teeth. Good hygiene will also prevent you from developing cavities and other infections which can be very painful and worsen. Also, teeth are often a "gateway" to many organs, so they need to be kept healthy.

Good oral health:the rules to follow

In theory, most people know what to do to maintain their teeth, but in practice, the right guidelines are not always followed. Here are some reminders:

  • Change your toothbrush every 3 months.
  • The minimum brushing time is 2 minutes, at least twice a day.
  • Using dental floss:brushing only cleans 60% of the surface of the teeth.
  • Avoid toothpicks, they may damage the gums and cause infections.
  • Watch your diet:foods that are too sweet or too acidic will damage your teeth, especially if you don't wash them right away.
  • Quitting Smoking:Tobacco will stain teeth and affect gums.
  • Limit or even give up snacking:after meals, the level of acidity in our mouths increases. If you continue to eat, this very high level is maintained, which is bad for your teeth.

Best practices according to age

Depending on our age, our teeth will not require the same treatments to stay healthy.

In children

From 6 months, you can use a very soft brush, without toothpaste, to brush your child's teeth once a day, in the evening. From the age of 2, you can brush his teeth twice a day for 2 minutes with fluoride-enriched toothpaste. The use of the electric toothbrush is possible from the age of 5. It is essential to inculcate good habits in children from an early age so that brushing becomes a natural part of their routine. The ideal is to attend the brushing of your child's teeth until he is 10 years old to make sure that he does it long enough and in the right way. You can also use specialized applications that will make brushing more fun for your children, such as Ben the Koala, My Racoon by Oral Care, or Disney Magic Timer by Oral B.


It is a period of great changes, especially hormonal. Hygiene is therefore particularly important, including oral hygiene. This is also often when dental appliances will come into play. They require even more thorough and regular brushing because food can get stuck in them.

In adults

As at all ages, you should continue to brush your teeth twice a day, ideally three times, and use dental floss as much as possible to reach every corner. Adults should be followed by a specialist to regularly check the condition of their teeth. To help perform optimal brushing every day, many brands of electric toothbrushes have released dedicated apps. You can find Sonicare by Philips or even that of Oral B, designed for the SmartSeries and Genius ranges.

At the senior

The more time passes, the more our teeth become fragile. The gums can also retract and our teeth become loose. It is therefore important to use a soft toothbrush that will not damage our teeth or gums, while continuing to brush your teeth after each meal.

If I don't take care of my teeth, what do I risk?

Cavities and gum disease

If you brush your teeth poorly, food can get stuck and create cavities. Poor oral hygiene can also cause gingivitis (a very painful inflammation of the gums), or periodontitis which can cause loosening of teeth or even falling teeth.

Physical Appearance

If the brushing of the teeth is bad, these can turn yellow, or adorn themselves with stains and be much less aesthetic. You can also have bad breath. All this can be very embarrassing at the professional level for example, or in the social sphere.

More serious illnesses

When an infection develops, a large number of bacteria accumulate in the teeth. These can then pass into our blood and contaminate other organs. Cardiovascular diseases, strokes or heart attacks can then result.

Prevention is better than cure

Even if you have impeccable oral hygiene, it is recommended that you visit the dentist at least once a year. He can then check that everything is fine and potentially detect underlying problems that may appear in the future. This will prevent them from getting worse and causing you pain later. Even if you may be one of those who are afraid to go to the dentist, it is essential to avoid unpleasant surprises. For a controlled dental and health budget, consider going through the door of care networks to which your health insurance gives you access.

Oral health should be a priority. Beyond the aesthetic aspect, taking care of your teeth subsequently avoids developing mild but painful infections, such as cavities, but also much more severe pathologies. Remember, brush your teeth at least twice a day and for two minutes.

[1] IPSOS 2012