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Notable Causes of Headaches

Notable Causes of Headaches

Do you regularly suffer from headaches? This could be due to a number of things you do every day. These are the culprits in a row.


Yes, coughing can quickly give you a headache. There is even such a thing as the 'cough headache'. This is caused by coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose and bending over. However, this does not happen very often. Only one percent of people get this type of headache, which often causes a sharp, stabbing pain at the back of your head. This pain is often accompanied by neck pain, vision problems and ringing in the ears.

Read also: "10 ways to get rid of headaches without painkillers"

Jogging on a treadmill

Need an excuse not to exercise? Then read on slowly. Running on a treadmill can give you a headache. This is because the blood vessels in the head and neck swell, which puts a lot of pressure on your head. This type of headache is more common in people who suffer from migraines. If you suffer from this, it is better to go swimming to get some exercise.

Sandwiches with ham

Some foods can trigger headaches, but a ham sandwich turns out to be a very big culprit. The sandwich contains many preservatives (including nitrates) that ensure that your blood flows faster in your head. As a result, you often feel a stabbing pain on both sides of your head, which can turn into a migraine. Do you quickly suffer from this? Be careful with cheese, salami, bananas and pineapple.


A bit of an unfortunate combination, but an orgasm can lead to a headache. This type of headache increases during sex and after an orgasm you can feel a strong pressing and contracting pain in the back of the head. Good news for women:this is more common in men than women.

Warm weather and a hot shower

Both hot weather and a hot shower can lead to severe headaches. Usually it comes on very quickly, because your blood pressure is quickly driven up by a lot of heat. The pain you then feel is often a sharp stabbing pain in your forehead. Often this headache lasts only five minutes. Swimming in extremely cold water or eating ice cream can also cause this headache.

Go to the hairdresser

Lean back with your head in the sink while the hairdresser washes her. Sounds ideal, but this can also give you a headache. When you lie with your head in the sink, this can quickly put pressure on the neck, triggering some nerves.

Remarkable:often the headache only starts one or two days after the hairdresser visit. Sitting on a chair that does not support your lower back well can also cause this headache.