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How do you avoid excess pounds as you get older?

How do you avoid excess pounds as you get older?

You may notice it yourself:your weight increases as you get older. How come and can you prevent it?

You can blame your metabolism for slowing down with age, but that's not the whole story. There are a number of factors that make you suffer from extra pounds as you get older.

It could be due to:

  • Reducing your muscle tissue. That is a natural process as you get older. If you have more muscles, you burn more calories.
  • Hormones. In women, less and less of the hormone estrogen is produced during parenting. As a result, more fat is retained, especially around the abdomen.

Read also: "Where do those extra pounds come from when you get older?"

How can you prevent weight gain with age?

1. Try to get more sleep

A good night's sleep works wonders. It is good for your metabolism and helps to counteract the feeling of hunger. But yes, the older we get, the more often we suffer from sleeping problems such as falling asleep and waking up more often during the night. We have a number of tips for you to get a good night's sleep.

2. Watch what you eat

Maybe when you were a little younger you could eat whole bags of chips and countless bars of chocolate without gaining an ounce, but now that you get a bit older, that kite is unfortunately no longer possible.

Maybe you exercise a little less than a few years ago, or maybe you look for more comfort in comfort food because of those hormones that rush through your body… This can cause excess pounds as you get older. So watch what you eat and exercise enough to keep your weight in balance.

3. Get rid of stress

With age, more stress comes into your life. You have more and more responsibilities and that creates the necessary unrest in your life, but also extra weight. Stress causes less sleep and that is so much needed to maintain your weight. But stress can also cause more production of the hormone cortisol. This hormone is often linked to an increase in belly fat.

So provide more relaxation in your life or a way to experience less stress. It makes your weight happy!

4. Train your muscles

As we wrote earlier in this article, you lose muscle tissue as you age. To counteract this, it is important to train your muscles. The more muscle tissue you have, the better you can burn calories in your body. Expert Advice:Try to train all your muscle groups twice a week. It is best to ask for advice at the gym, so that you also perform the exercises in the right way.

Do you want to work on your muscles at home? Squats, burpees, and push-ups are exercises where you can use your own weight to strengthen different muscle groups of your body.