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4 solutions against bruises

4 solutions against bruises

Are you black and blue? Four remedies to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Camouflage blue spots

You can camouflage bruises with makeup, but it's quite tricky. You often continue to see a color difference with the rest of your skin. Would you like to give it a try? Then watch the tutorial below.

Immediately after the punch

Instead of camouflaging, try making sure your bruise is taken care of right after impact. You can get rid of your bruises as quickly as possible in these four ways.

Read also: 'Why do I bruise so easily?'

1. Cooling

When do you choose this? Immediately after being dropped or bumped. Cold helps with bruising, swelling and bruising. By cooling, blood vessels contract and blood is less able to flow out. So bring the painful area into contact with ice as soon as possible.

How do you do that? Place an ice pack on the bruise for 15 minutes. Don't have these at home? Then wrap a bag of frozen vegetables in a tea towel. This restricts the blood circulation and prevents the subcutaneous pool of blood and thus the bruise from getting bigger.

2. Put your legs up

When do you choose this? For bruises on your legs. By resting, the bruise will become less severe. When you rest a bruise above heart level, blood flows back to your heart instead of the leaking veins – keeping the spot of blood small.

How do you do that? Do you have a bruise on your leg? Then make sure that the sore spot is a few centimeters higher than your heart. You do this by resting the bruise on a chair with cushions. This method works especially for large bruises.

3. Sunlight

When do you choose this? As soon as the bruise turns yellow. The dye bilirubin released during the breakdown of old red blood cells causes your bruise to turn yellow. This dye disappears from your body by UV light.

How do you do that? Sit in the sun with the bruise, or go under a tanning bed. This causes the bilirubin in the yellow spot to be broken down faster.

4. Herbs

When do you choose this? With a painful, swollen bruise. Arnica montana is an herb that helps heal bruises. The herb contains a compound that reduces inflammation and swelling and improves blood flow.

How do you do that? Choose an ointment that contains arnica and apply it to the bruise once or twice a day. Do this carefully, as pressure on the bruising can make the bruise worse.