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7 Possible Causes of Red Eyes

7 Possible Causes of Red Eyes

Are you ill? Did you cry? Did you sleep? If you have red eyes, it can give you a lot of questions. The following seven things can cause red eyes.

Do you regularly suffer from red eyes lately, but you have no idea what could be causing it? There can be several causes for your red eyes, not always serious. We have listed them for you.

Read also: '6 tips against puffy eyes'

1. You suffer from dry eyes or irritated eyes

If dry eyes last for a while, they can become irritated and cause redness. External factors, such as smoke or swimming pool water, can also make your eyes red.

2. You are using too many eye drops for red eyes

While eye drops can help with red eyes, too much is never good. Your eyes may become irritated by the excess. Follow the package leaflet or the medical advice you have received.

3. You spend a long time behind the computer

One does not suffer from it, the other does suffer from his eyes by looking at a screen for too long. You can stick to the 20-20-20 rule to give your eyes a rest every now and then.

4. You have hay fever or another allergy

An allergy can make your eyes itch. Rubbing can make your eyes red. This will only make your eyes itch more and before you know it you are in a vicious circle. By getting your allergy under control, you will suffer less from your eyes. With these tips you can keep your hay fever under control.

5. You use medicines

Check the package insert for your medicines. Some medications have dry eyes as a side effect. Consult with the pharmacy about what you can do about the side effect.

6. You slept too little

Sleep is good for everything. Including a fresh look. Not only bags under the eyes, but also red eyes can be caused by a lack of sleep.

7. You have an eye infection

An eye infection causes a red eye, your eye may burn, be watery and swollen. Go to the doctor with an eye infection. Be careful with touching your eyes, in some cases you can infect your other eye.

The solution against red eyes

In many cases, eye drops for dry eyes can make a big difference if you have red eyes. Read the instructions before use. Have you been suffering from red eyes for a long time or is it a side effect of medicines you are taking? If in doubt, consult your doctor.