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Headaches and migraines

Headaches and migraines

Who among you has not suffered from a terrible migraine one day? For some people these headaches are even chronic. That's why I decided to devote an entire article to this topic, trying to review all the possible tricks to effectively relieve headaches.

Causes and symptoms

According to statistics, nearly five million French people regularly suffer from migraine, all ages and sexes combined. Here is a disease that can be described as benign, but which can nevertheless be debilitating. I know what I'm talking about, because I had episodic seizures for several months. Fortunately, we identified the causes and today I am done with migraines. Moreover, surfing on the Doctor Click site helped me a lot to understand this pathology.

Many factors can cause headaches, to name only stress, lack of sleep, fatigue, excessive consumption of alcohol, but also heat or cold, consumption of certain foods, cigarette smoke… In short, anything and everything. Causes vary greatly from person to person. Otherwise, among the symptoms, we can list the emergence of a pain in the head, sensitization to light and sound, irritability, change of mood, stiffness in the neck.

Caution is advised, however, if the headache occurs following a blow to the head, physical activity or a sneeze. And if the pain is accompanied by loss of sight, fainting or difficulty walking, the migraine may be part of the beginnings of a more serious illness. Regarding my case, I mainly had ophthalmic headaches. My headache is usually manifested by intense pain mainly concentrated on the left side of my head accompanied by cold sweats and nausea.

Remedies and tips

Headaches and migraines

Fortunately, in most cases, taking an analgesic such as aspirin or paracetamol will be more than enough to calm the headaches. Otherwise, in case of slightly persistent pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen are recommended.

And if ever the seizures are more violent or repetitive, your attending physician will then prescribe painkillers containing codeine. Because, of course, if the pain persists for more than twelve to twenty-four hours, I advise you to quickly consult a doctor. However, I am not too keen on drug treatments, except as a last resort.

Indeed, with these few tips, you may be able to overcome your migraine. On me, for example, caffeine works wonders. To do this, I drink a large cup of black coffee, or I prepare a small infusion of jasmine or chamomile tea. Lying down in a quiet, subdued place isolated from noise is just as effective, without forgetting to apply a compress or a washcloth soaked in cold water on the forehead. Alternatively, you can also have a massage. Better still, massage your forehead yourself, emphasizing the temples. Finally, effective natural treatments are not lacking either between acupressure, acupuncture, reflexology and chiropractic. Also consider aromatherapy; applied externally, essential oils of peppermint, lavender and pine can work wonders against headaches.