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4 ways to reduce headaches

4 ways to reduce headaches

In the section 1 problem 4 solutions in the latest Santé you will find 4 natural solutions for headaches. These are another 4 ways to reduce headaches without immediately reaching for a paracetamol.

1. Drink enough water
One of the symptoms of dehydration is a headache. You may not immediately think of that when a headache sets in, but next time have a glass of water first.

2. Relax and take a rest Headaches can be caused by stress or too little sleep. Get enough sleep and take time to relax. Especially when you are very busy during a period, it is important to build in enough moments of relaxation.

3. Give yourself a light massage
Close your eyes and massage the sides of your head with your fingertips. You can also massage yourself gently on your crown and between your eyebrows in an attempt to relieve the headache.

4. Take care of your eyes
Looking at a screen all day can cause eyestrain, which in turn can cause headaches. So be kind to your eyes.

On page 35 of the June issue of Santé you will find the other 4 tips. Do you have any tips to reduce your headache?