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7 causes of back pain

7 causes of back pain

Do you suffer from back pain? This can have very different causes, but have you ever thought about these things?

1. Your attitude is not good Are you bent over, do you walk with a hollow back or slumped shoulders? When your posture isn't right, it can take its toll on your back.

2. You work behind the computer
Little movement can cause your back to stiffen. If your desk and chair are not properly adjusted, this can also cause complaints. Try to exercise regularly and stretch every now and then.

Read also:6 tips for a strong back

3. You sleep in the wrong position
An incorrect sleeping position or a mattress that is no longer good can both cause your back to take a hard time at night, causing you to suffer from back pain during the day. Also make sure you have a good desk chair.

4. You are overweight
Your body weight can put too much strain on your back.

5. Your abs are not strong enough
If you have strong abs, you are less likely to experience back pain.

6. You are not wearing a good bra
Especially if you have large breasts, the weight of your breasts can cause back pain. That can be the case if your bra doesn't offer enough support.

7. Your bag is too heavy
Do you carry all kinds of stuff with you as standard? The pressure that your heavy bag puts on your shoulders can be a cause of back pain.

Tip:buy an ergonomic office chair