Who hasn't suffered from a headache?
For many, it is only a temporary discomfort.
Often, pain can be relieved easily with home remedies.
But sometimes headaches are also a sign of an illness, mild or serious!
So when to worry about a headache?
And how to recognize all the different types of headaches and their meanings?
Here are the 5 different types of headaches, and above all, the best remedies to cure them. Watch:
Here are the 5 types of headaches :
1. Tension headache
2. Headache due to sinusitis
3. Migraine
4. Facial algia (or vascular algia of the face, AVF)
5. The hangover
- Sensation of pressure ("helmet" or "headband" effect)
- Feeling of tension
- Diffuse and moderate pain
Tension headache is simply the common headache .
You know, the one we've all suffered from at least once in our lives!
The pain of tension headaches is diffused and moderate .
Sometimes it is also pulsatile (i.e. in rhythm with the beating of the heart).
Generally, these headaches also cause a feeling of pressure around the forehead.
It is often referred to as "hard hat" pain.
To describe this pain, many people say it's a bit like wearing a headband that's too tight.
Most often, the pain increases in intensity from morning to evening.
The main trigger for tension headaches? It's stress !
Other causes that can cause them are:
- tiredness,
- psychological tension,
- poor posture and
- prolonged bad posture of the head.
Often, tension headaches are also associated with head or neck injuries.
In very rare cases, the pain can become chronic.
To get rid of a tension headache, just take a Doliprane or another suitable analgesic .
For those who don't know:
Analgesics (also called analgesics) are drugs that reduce the sensation of pain.
The most common are available without a prescription, for example:aspirin, paracetamol and ibuprofen.
But be careful:use these treatments only occasionally.
If your headaches are frequent and last a long time, see your doctor right away.
And know that doing sports and stretching helps!
In fact, practicing a physical activity helps to eliminate tension in the shoulders and neck.
If not, here are 11 tried and true natural tricks to stop a headache.
- Pain, feeling of pressure, heavy head
- Nasal irritation, congestion
- Fatigue
Some headaches are a symptom of sinusitis:sinus inflammation .
Often they are accompanied by fever, swelling of the face and tension around the forehead and cheeks.
With these headaches, you feel strong pressure and pain around the eyes and forehead.
Generally, the pain becomes more intense when you move your head too fast, or if you lean forward.
You may also have a stuffy nose, possibly runny nose, and feeling tired.
As their name suggests, they are caused by sinusitis.
In fact, some people call them "sinus headaches".
Often, they appear as a result of a cold or an allergy seasonal.
This type of headache rarely goes away on its own.
If you suffer from an allergy, antihistamines can surely help you.
In other cases, it is better to consult your doctor, who will most likely prescribe antibiotics .
And know this:as long as you don't treat your sinusitis, headaches can persist, or even become permanent!
You will understand:if you have sinusitis, it is better to have it treated as soon as possible.
For example, here is a 100% natural and very effective remedy based on magnesium chloride.
Migraine is a chronic disease, with very diverse symptoms.
It is characterized by headaches of moderate to severe intensity .
Here are the symptoms that can appear during the 4 phases of a migraine attack:
1. Prodrome (duration up to 48 hours):irritability, fatigue, decreased or increased appetite.
2. Aura (duration up to 30 min):
- visual disturbances (bright spots, colored spots, blurred vision or loss of part of the field of vision, etc.) This is called "ophthalmic migraine".
- sensory disturbances (tingling of fingers or lips)
- language disorders (difficulty finding the right word, feeling of lack of words)
- balance disorders or dizziness
3. Headache (duration up to 72 h):intense, throbbing pain
4. Resolution (duration up to 24 hours):fatigue, concentration problems
The causes of migraine are poorly understood.
But researchers think it might be a disorder of neurovascular origin .
A familial predisposition to migraine has also long been suspected.
Are you looking for a miracle cure to get rid of migraine?
Unfortunately, there are none yet…
However, there are many treatments to relieve each of its symptoms.
If you suffer from migraine attacks, consult your doctor to choose the right treatment.
For some, regular physical activity significantly reduces migraine attacks.
Others use this very effective natural remedy to relieve pain without drugs.
- Intense, throbbing pain on one side of the head
This headache causes unbearable pain.
Fortunately, facial pain, or cluster headache (AVG), is extremely rare .
Indeed, it affects less than 0.1% of the population, and men 3 times more than women.
Facial pain is also known as "cluster headache " and "cluster headache ".
Facial pain headaches cause horrible, throbbing pain, behind or around the eyes .
Another peculiarity, the pain is felt on one side of the head only.
It can appear at night during sleep.
During the crisis, the intensity of the pain is so intense that some people think of committing suicide.
This is why this disease is also nicknamed "suicide headache".
Symptoms also include eye redness, light sensitivity and watery eyes.
The pain increases gradually, and lasts between 15 min and 3 h.
The origin of this disease remains unknown today.
It is thought to be linked to disturbances in the biological rhythm of the body.
Facial pain can be very difficult to treat.
This is because the pains appear episodically and disappear spontaneously.
If you suffer from it, only a doctor can help you find a suitable treatment.
Of course, what we all call a "hangover" is not a medical term!
This is a popular way of referring to what is actually real alcohol intoxication .
Among its many symptoms, one can experience dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.
But also a confusion of ideas, fatigue and a general feeling of unease.
And of course, the famous headaches due to a drunken evening.
Their characteristic pain is throbbing and throbbing , with a feeling of tension and heaviness.
There are several opinions on why people get headaches after drinking too much alcohol.
In particular, it is thought to be because alcohol dilates blood vessels and disrupts the secretion of serotonin.
One of the biggest causes of a hangover? This is the dehydrating effect of alcohol.
Are you the victim of a bad hangover?
The best thing to do is to take a Doliprane (or other painkiller), drink plenty of water and sleep.
To get rid of it as soon as possible, you can also try one of these 11 miracle hangover cures.
And beware, hangovers should be taken seriously .
Do you have a headache after consuming even a tiny amount of alcohol?
This is a potential sign that you have a mild form of migraine.