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Which has more impact:poor sleep or short sleep?

Which has more impact:poor sleep or short sleep?

If you regularly have poor or short sleep, and wake up several times a night, you know the tired feeling after such a night. A heavy head and a short fuse are just two of the consequences.

Parents with a child who has not yet slept through the night, people with sleeping problems, pregnant women who have to empty their bladder every hour, people who can be called at night for work and anyone who for any other reason sleeps badly, this one is for you.

Read also: 'Sleep deprivation is an epidemic'

Wake up a few times a night

Research shows that waking up a few times a night does indeed have a big effect on how rested you feel. It is more surprising to know that this effect is noticeable even if you are only awake for five or ten minutes at a time.

Four hours of sleep

Waking up a few times a night would be equivalent to getting four hours of sleep. So it's not surprising that you don't pull that well if it takes several nights.
