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5 tips to combat sleep deprivation

Despite a desire for perfect sleep, not everyone comes close to the recommended eight hours a night, and many people find that the sleep they get isn't the quality they want and need. With chronic sleep deprivation, the brain's ability to maintain attention and focus continues to decline over time. In addition to disrupting mental function, sleep deprivation is associated with a host of risks to overall health.

Prevent sleep deprivation and take charge of your mental and physical health with these tips:

Sleep responsibly

When you're tired, it's no surprise that sleep is the best solution. Some research suggests that napping can give you a stronger boost than caffeine. However, too much rest during the day can disrupt your sleep patterns at night. Aim for no more than 20 minutes so you don't wake up groggy, and take a nap midway through your wake cycle (halfway through when you wake up and go to sleep).

Limit screen time

If you're looking to your phone to help relax while in bed, you're not alone, but you might be doing more harm than good. The average person keeps scrolling on their phone when they are in bed before falling asleep. In addition, the light from the screen serves as a stimulus, as does the digital content you are viewing. That means you make it physically harder to fall asleep than if you put your devices down at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

Stick to a sleep schedule

The average person gets less than six hours of sleep a night — a long way from the eight hours most experts recommend. One way to buck this trend is to make sure you sleep and wake up at the same time every day so you sync your sleep time with your internal clock. While eight hours is the standard, you may need to adjust it up or down to find the amount of sleep that will leave you feeling rested.

Develop a bedtime routine

You can train your body to prepare for sleep by creating a pattern or routine that will put you to sleep. Think of putting on a sleep mask, reading in bed for 20 minutes, or doing the same shower routine every night, signaling to your brain that it's time for sleep. Creating a bedtime routine that lasts 20-30 minutes and sticking to that routine can make all the difference in your energy, productivity and mood.

Find the right sleeping position

If you're looking for the secret to a good night's sleep, comfort may be the key. Those who sleep on their backs at night are more likely to sleep well. The most common sleeping position, on your side, makes for the worst sleep. It may take some trial and error to find the right position that will keep your spine aligned so you can breathe freely and distribute your weight evenly.