Family Best Time >> Health

Good night

Good night

About 6.2 million Dutch people snore. All those lumberjacks have a good night's sleep, but the one next to them is often a lot worse!

Such a snorer next to you is not only bad for your mood, it is also not good for your health † More than half of snorers produce as much noise as during a conversation (60 decibels), as that of city traffic (85 decibels) or worse, as that of a concert (120 decibels)! And that while 45 decibels is the maximum sound volume for a healthy night's sleep. Too much noise during your sleep can lead to stress, high blood pressure and concentration problems

Time to take action. The three golden anti-snoring tips: Stop drinking alcohol two hours before going to sleep, stop smoking and prevent obesity. If all else fails, you can always take precautions yourself. Do you like sleeping separately a little too rigorous? There are special earplugs that you hardly feel and that ensure that you can sleep peacefully and quietly.