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Tips for night sweats

Sleepless nights due to, for example, night sweats are annoying, no matter what it comes from. With the following tips for night sweats, you will only experience hot nights that you are responsible for.

Give your body a rest

Make sure your body cools down enough after an effort. Your body needs an average of four hours to cool down for a healthy night's sleep without excessive sweating.

Leave the onesie in the closet!

Put on clean cotton nightclothes and choose cotton bed linen. Synthetic sheets and pillowcases are anything but breathable. In the winter they retain the heat, but in the summer you can hardly breathe in them. This makes you sweat noticeably faster. Cotton, linen and silk bed linen are a good alternative. They are light and breathable fabrics that feel wonderfully fresh in the summer.

Check the temperature

Provide a pleasant temperature. If it is too hot or too cold in your bedroom, it can seriously disrupt your sleep. You fall asleep more difficult, sleep more restlessly and wake up faster. Whether you like it warm or slightly cooler, of course, depends on your personal preference. But in general it is best to sleep in a room where it is between 16 and 22°C.

Watch what you eat and drink!

Avoid alcohol and spicy foods in the evening. Also, do not eat too late and avoid heavy meals from two hours before bedtime. Although fats and sugars do make you sleepy, they disrupt your sleep. This is because your body needs a lot of energy to digest them. Are you hungry in the evening? Then opt for a healthy, light snack.

Water is beneficial

Is the sweat still running down your body? Then drink a little cold water, rinse with lukewarm water and place a clean bath towel over your sheet. This way you can sleep through without having to change your bed and disturb your partner.