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Everything you need to know about an autumn dip

It is autumn, the days are getting shorter and it is often dark, bleak and gray outside. Many people suffer from an autumn dip. Find out everything you need to know about a fall dip. Autumn slump what to do, autumn slump symptoms and tips to prevent an autumn slump.

What is an autumn dip?

An autumn slump is actually a kind of shock to your body that can't cope with the changing of the season. Characteristic for this is the transition from the long summer days with lovely temperatures to shorter days that are often cold, bleak and gray. This can cause you to feel uncomfortable and suffer from all kinds of physical complaints. This is not necessarily about complaints that are between your ears. You can really get physical complaints that make you tired, lethargic and fatigued.

Many people confuse a dip with depression. Although the symptoms are somewhat similar, an autumn dip or an autumn blues is a bit milder in terms of complaints.

Reading tip:Everything you need to know about winter depression

Autumn dip symptoms

There are specific symptoms associated with an autumn dip, such as:

  • Reduced energy
  • Disrupted sleep rhythm
  • Drowsy feelings
  • Lack of motivation
  • Lower libido
  • Getting irritated faster
  • Concentration problems
  • Bad eating habits

If you suffer from an autumn dip, you will have these complaints for at least 2 weeks in a row.

Cause of an autumn dip

The most obvious cause is the reduction in the amount of light in the autumn. Because there is less daylight, the day and night rhythm changes and disrupts. This causes people to suffer from sleeping problems, which in turn can cause many other complaints. The hormone melatonin plays an important role in this.

In addition, you spend much less time outside in the fall and the sun is less bright. This ensures that you can quickly have to deal with a vitamin D deficiency. Combine this with the fact that many people are mainly indoors in the autumn and there is less social contact and you have the perfect mix for an autumn dip.

Autumn dip what to do

There are several things you can do if you are experiencing a fall slump. This varies from taking extra vitamins to purchasing a special lamp to mimic daylight. In addition, there are also other things you can do if you suffer from an autumn dip.

Autumn dip tips

If you suffer from a (starting) autumn dip, you can apply the tips below.

  • Make sure you get enough exercise
  • Don't snooze but get up immediately
  • A good breakfast is the perfect start to your day
  • Clean up

Make sure to get enough exercise

Too little exercise is disastrous for your energy level. Whether it's spring, summer or fall, exercise is a must for your body. You may find it less appealing to go out for a walk in the fall. However, you can move in many more ways. For example, by not taking the elevator, but the stairs. Or take out a subscription to the gym. You can also stay fit at home with little budget and resources.

Are you working at the office? Then walk to a colleague or the coffee machine more often. You can also see if it is possible to get a standing desk to perform your work.

Don't snooze but get up immediately

It seems so tempting, especially when it's still dark and cold outside. Your alarm goes off and you turn it off to snooze for another 10 minutes. And maybe you do this not 1 time, but 2 – 3 times. Either way, snoozing isn't good for your body, especially in the darker months of the year. Snoozing is very confusing for your body.

On the one hand, your body is immediately alert when the alarm goes off. Your body goes into action mode and produces, among other things, the hormone cortisol. On the other hand, you are giving your body the signal that you don't have to be alert yet and that you want to sleep/doze again. As a result, your energy level is not what it should be at the beginning of the day.

So it's better to set your alarm clock at the time you really need to wake up. Does this seem difficult? Then purchase a wake-up light, with which you can wake up slowly and your body can wake up in rest.

A good breakfast is the perfect start to your day

Nothing is as bad for your body and energy level as a hastily finished sandwich and cup of coffee in the morning. Although you will probably wake up quickly from a nice cup of coffee, you will soon notice that your body ends up in a dip. The energy of the sandwich and cup of coffee is gone in a jiffy and then there is a good chance that you will start sniffing.

To prevent this, it is advisable to take the time in the morning for a good breakfast. A good breakfast includes a nutritious breakfast that consists of proteins, healthy fats and fiber. Preferably drink a glass of water or a cup of tea first and take your first cup of coffee later in the morning. If you eat a good breakfast, you will notice that you are satiated for longer and that you are less likely to reach for (unhealthy) snacks and snacks. And that also has an impact on how you feel throughout the day.

Clean up

Precisely because it gets dark quickly in the autumn and the sun is often absent during the day, gloomy feelings can arise. This doesn't get any better if your home or workplace is cluttered. This provides extra mental stimuli, which your body absolutely does not need right now. So make sure you have a tidy desk and house. By the way, cleaning up provides extra movement and ultimately gives more energy than it costs.

Take a vitamin fall dip

In addition to the aforementioned autumn dip tips, it is useful if you take extra vitamin D in the months with an 'r' in it. Many people walk around with a (chronic) deficiency of vitamin D. This can have very nasty consequences for your body. You can also be tired, tired, exhausted, energy and lifeless due to a lack of vitamin D. If you have a major deficiency, this can manifest itself in serious physical complaints, including problems with your heart.

For the elderly, people with tanned skin and people who wear a veil, they must take vitamin D in any case. You can simply use the vitamin that you can buy at Kruidvat or Trekpleister. Not sure if you have a deficiency? Then go to your doctor to have your blood drawn. Note:most GPs use a vitamin D level of 50 as being good. Academic hospitals have now adjusted this to at least 80.

In addition to vitamin D, you can also take extra vitamin C in the autumn. The advantage of this is that you cannot actually take an overdose, since you simply pee out an excess. So you don't have to go to the doctor for this. There is little harm in taking a daily vitamin C. Are you eating enough fruits and vegetables? Then taking vitamin C is not necessarily necessary.

Tackling the autumn dip with a daylight lamp

Do you really experience a lot of complaints? Then you can consider purchasing a daylight lamp for the fall and winter. This is a special lamp with white or blue light. Which lamp you choose depends on your budget and your own wishes. Note:Although a blue light bulb is proven to be more effective, blue light can trigger migraines. So keep this in mind if you are a migraine patient. In addition, you can use blue light if you suffer from an eye disease or eye condition.

Avoid autumn dip

Although you can do little about the changing of the seasons, you can respond to this to prevent a dip. Start this early enough so that your body is in a different rhythm before autumn sets in (ideally early September). Exercise and keep it up even when it's autumn. Provide plenty of fresh air and healthy food. Start taking extra vitamins D (and C) on time. It is also important to be outside if possible and to continue to meet up with friends and family for social interaction.