Vitamin D is produced by the skin in response to sunlight .
It is for this reason that it is also called "sunshine vitamin ".
What is called "vitamin D" is actually a set of fat-soluble substances.
Thus, this group includes, in particular, vitamin D2 (in vegetable form) and vitamin D3 (in animal form).
Your body produces vitamin D naturally when exposed to direct sunlight.
To avoid a deficiency, you can eat certain foods that contain vitamin D.
To ensure adequate levels of vitamin D in your blood, you can also take supplements like this plant-based vitamin D.
Strengthen bones and teeth, strengthen immune defences... the vitamin of the sun has it all.
Here are all the incredible vitamin D benefits you should know about . Watch:
A sufficient intake of vitamin D is essential for the proper functioning of your body.
In fact, among its most important functions, vitamin D helps to:
- regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body,
- ensure the proper functioning of immune responses,
- strengthen bones and teeth and
- provide better resistance to certain diseases.
In addition, if your body does not receive enough vitamin D, you are at risk of developing bone pathologies.
The most common disorders are osteomalacia (which makes the bones "soft") or osteoporosis (weakening of the bones).
In addition to its most well-known benefits, the most recent scientific research has proven that vitamin D also helps to:
- reduce the risk of multiple sclerosis , according to a Harvard University study (source 1).
- reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease , according to an American study (source 2).
- reduce the risk of flu infection , according to a Japanese study (source 3).
Several studies show that vitamin D can also play an important role in regulating mood and preventing depression.
Norwegian researchers found that taking vitamin D supplements significantly improves symptoms of depression (source 4).
In another study, researchers observed the effects of vitamin D in people with fibromyalgia, a chronic condition characterized by widespread pain in muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
However, researchers have found that in patients who also have symptoms of anxiety and depression, vitamin D deficiency is more common (source 5).
To discover: 20 Things to NEVER Forget When Loving Someone With Depression.
Trying to lose weight?
So, consult your doctor or pharmacist about taking vitamin D supplements .
In drops or in an ampoule, you can easily find various supplements in pharmacies or even on the Internet.
But, again, it is better to consult a health professional to find the most suitable form and dosage.
In one study, researchers found that people who received a daily dose of calcium and vitamin D lost more weight than those who received a placebo (source 6).
The researchers in this study concluded that calcium and vitamin D supplements have an appetite suppressant effect .
And in another study in overweight people, heart disease risk markers were significantly reduced in people who received daily vitamin D supplements (source 7).
To discover: 20 ZERO Calorie Foods To Help You Lose Weight.
Several factors can prevent your body from synthesizing enough vitamin D simply by exposure to the sun.
Here are the main causes of vitamin D deficiency:
- live in a very polluted region,
- use sunscreen,
- spending too much time indoors
- live in a big city (where buildings block sunlight) and
- have dark skin (the stronger the pigmentation, the more difficult it is for the body to synthesize vitamin D).
Be aware that the above factors lead to a lack of vitamin D in more and more people.
That's why it's important for you to get some of your vitamin D from sources other than the sun!
In adults, symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include:
- a feeling of fatigue, exhaustion and general malaise;
- joint aches, pains and cramps;
- severe bone pain and muscle weakness, which may cause difficulty climbing stairs, getting up from a sitting or lying position and walking normally and
- "fatigue fractures" or "stress fractures", a type of bone fracture in the legs, pelvis and hips.
Your doctor can easily diagnose vitamin D deficiency by a simple blood test .
If diagnosed with a deficiency, your doctor may order X-rays to measure the strength of your bones.
The doctor may also prescribe treatment with vitamin D supplements.
To produce more vitamin D, you also need to watch your diet and be sure to increase your exposure to sunlight.
Few foods naturally contain vitamin D.
That's why some foods are fortified with vitamin D, such as some brands of milk.
Here are the foods that contain the most vitamin D:
- salmon, sardines and other fatty fish,
- the egg yolk ,
- shrimp ,
- milk, yogurt , butter and other dairy products (enriched with vitamin D) and
- cereals and orange juice (enriched with vitamin D).
Whether it's sun exposure or diet, getting enough vitamin D daily is not always easy.
It is for this reason that more and more people are turning to vitamin D supplements.
There is controversy over the exact amount of vitamin D needed for the body to function properly
Indeed, the most recent research seems to indicate that the necessary dosage of vitamin D is much higher than previously thought.
The dosage of vitamin D is often given in international units (IU) , rather than micrograms (µg).
Simply put, IU is a standard measurement for drugs and vitamins.
IUs help experts to better determine the recommended dose, but also to assess toxicity and deficiency levels for each person.
Be aware that an IU is not the same for each type of vitamin!
Here is the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin D (source 8):
- children and adolescents:600 IU
- adults up to 70 years:600 IU
- adults over 70:800 IU
- pregnant or breastfeeding women:600 IU