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Fit through the fall

Fit through the fall

Fall is the season of falling leaves and beautiful colors. But also the season of less resistance. Stay fit and don't give your autumn dip a chance!

The fitter you are, the better your resistance is. In addition, when you exercise you produce happiness hormones. All the more reasons to go for a run in the woods on a beautiful autumn day.

Autumn dip
Do you ever feel like you're having an autumn dip? About 480,000 Dutch people feel gloomy and tired during the autumn. Women are four times more likely to suffer from this than men. The reason for this is probably due to hormone fluctuations.

Fight the dip!
There are a few things to keep in mind to avoid an autumn dip:
• Make sure your house is well lit. When it's light, open all the curtains and turn on enough lights in the evening.
• Move! As we mentioned, you release happiness hormones during exercise, which can help you when you're feeling down.
• No matter how tired you are, try not to go to sleep during the day. Afternoon naps can disrupt your sleep-wake rhythm.
• Try to eat fewer carbohydrates. Your body uses a lot of energy when processing foods such as pasta, bread and potatoes. By avoiding this type of food, you have more energy.
• Live a structured life. Have regular times when you get up, eat and go back to bed. By keeping to a schedule, you help your biological clock.

What if nothing works?
There are people who, despite a regular life with a lot of exercise, still suffer from an autumn dip. As a last option, you can try light therapy. You are exposed to a daylight lamp for 45 minutes every day. You can ask your doctor for more information and a referral.

Do you ever suffer from an autumn dip?