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Anti stress food

Anti stress food

We combine nutrition well, get a lot more vitamins and minerals. Food Doctor Ian Marber tells how small changes in your diet can make you feel much better.

When you're stressed, you make more adrenaline on than normal. This gives you more energy at first, but in the long run this hormone exhausts you † Due to the energy required to produce adrenaline, a deficiency of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, vitamin B5 and vitamin C arises. So it is important to get more of that inside.

Phosphorus Phosphorus is obtained from fish, eggs, dairy products and nuts. Fruit sugars inhibit the absorption of phosphorus:so eat a maximum of two pieces of fruit per day during stressful times.

Potassium You can find potassium in avocado, dried fruit, bananas and bell peppers.

Vitamin B5
Vitamin B5 is important for regulating hormones when you are stressed. Poultry, avocado and sunflower seeds are good sources.

Salt Don't eat too salty:salt prevents the absorption of magnesium and potassium. Rather use herbs and lemon juice to give your food more flavor.

Read tips to eat less salt here>