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Get used to these healthy habits

Get used to these healthy habits

A healthy lifestyle is all about small habits. Get into one or more of these healthy habits.

1. Drink more water
Put a bottle of water in your bag, so you always have water at hand and it is easier to drink enough. Try to cut down on soft drinks at the same time.

2. Exercise regularly
Also when it comes to movement, small actions make a big difference. Cycle to work, take the stairs where possible, go for a walk outside during your lunch break and plan a visit to the gym a little more often for intensive exercise.

Did you know… It takes you about a month to develop a new habit.

3. Eat more vegetables
In the ideal situation you add vegetables to every meal. Try out your favorite recipes with more (other) vegetables added. This way you suddenly get a completely 'different' dish due to more structure and taste differences.

4. Enjoy in moderation
You are not supposed to cut out every sweet sin and every snack from your life. The trick is to enjoy in moderation and stick to one serving at a time.

5. Get a good night's sleep Sleep is important for optimal functioning during the day. A pleasant bedroom can help. Make sure it is dark and not too hot.

Read also:Tips to fall asleep faster
