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Fit through the winter, make sure you sleep well

Fit through the winter, make sure you sleep well

You may not expect it, but in winter most people sleep worse than in other seasons. There are various theories about what this is exactly. For example, the lack of daylight could disrupt the sleep-wake rhythm. Because it gets dark so early, the body no longer receives a signal later in the evening that it is dark and therefore bedtime. And in the morning the natural light isn't strong enough to bring you back into the awake state.

The lack of oxygen in the winter months could also play a role. You spend less time outside and keep your windows and doors closed against the cold. But the oxygen content is also lower outside because there are fewer leaves on the trees that convert CO2 into oxygen. Finally, most people are less active during the day in the winter and we all know that you need to be very tired to get a good night's sleep.

Sleep problems have major consequences for body and mind. One night less sleep is not a problem, but if it happens more often, you will suffer from it sooner or later. You can easily get into a vicious circle. Because you sleep badly, you are tired during the day, so less active, so that you sleep badly again. You may also boost yourself with caffeine and sugar, which will further destroy your sleep. And after a while, you may start to worry at night about your poor performance due to lack of sleep. And worrying and sleeping really don't mix. In short, it is better to take sleeping problems seriously in time, before they go from bad to worse.

Fortunately, you can do a lot yourself to improve your sleep. For example, moving outside. Maintain a good sleep-wake rhythm, so go to bed on time and get out on time. Avoid crowds and stress and don't grab too much coffee, especially not later in the day. But there are also several sleeping aids that you could try. Natural sleeping aids that you can buy without a doctor's prescription, although it is always wise to consult with your doctor about their use.


One of the resources that you have probably heard of is CBD oil. If you are to believe some, a true panacea that is good for everything. Others are hesitant because CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant. The fact is that many people benefit from it. It is a natural substance that is easily absorbed by your body and provides peace and relaxation. Falling asleep, but also sleeping through is better and the quality of sleep also improves. There are different types of CBD oil and you can use it in different ways. It is therefore smart to read a bit more about it or to get advice before purchasing it. In addition to your sleep, CBD can also have a beneficial effect on your skin, your intestinal flora and your muscles and joints.

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