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Why the cold is so good for you

Why the cold is so good for you

Of course there is also something to complain about when it is as cold as it is now. But the cold also does a lot of good for your health!

1. You are more productive and sharper

British research shows that people perform tasks better in a cool room than in a warm one, and that productivity is up to 20% lower in summer than in winter. Possible explanation:in the summer your brain needs more glucose (fuel) to function. Because of the heat, your blood sugar level drops faster than usual and that needs to be restored.

But there's also a psychological factor:Harvard research shows that office workers perform better in rain and snow:the more precipitation, the faster they finish tasks. According to the researchers, in summer weather people think more often about the fun things they miss out on because they are indoors, which leads to less focus, a slower work pace and more errors. The indoor temperature can also contribute to better work results:according to research by the University of Helsinki, we are most productive at temperatures above 15 degrees.

2. Good for the line

Winter is the time to lose some weight. Research published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology shows that your metabolism is boosted by cold. According to the researchers, cold promotes the production of so-called catecholamines (hormones that stimulate fat loss). This mainly tackles fat around the abdomen and fat reserves.

Why the cold is so good for you Why the cold is so good for you

A cold bedroom can also contribute to your dream figure:it stimulates your metabolism. So leave the heating off or set the thermostat to about sixteen degrees; slightly lower than the ideal eighteen degrees according to various studies. After a few months, this habit activates brown fat (which increases energy metabolism and keeps the body warm) and improves insulin sensitivity. “Sleeping in a cold room has many health benefits, which may ultimately reduce the risk of diabetes and other metabolic diseases,” said researcher Francesco S. Celi of Virginia Commonwealth University.

3. Improve your sports performance

A study by the University of Massachusetts shows that endurance athletes perform better in the cold:the fastest times were run at temperatures between one and ten degrees. The optimum temperature is five degrees. This is because higher outside temperatures not only put more strain on the circulatory system, but also ensure that the muscles receive less oxygen. And by the way:did you know that exercising outside also makes you happier? Endurance training in the cold makes your body produce serotonin, which is four times more effective against depressive moods than antidepressants.

4. You get a nice glow

According to Harvard Medical School, the cold increases the flexibility of blood vessels:they shrink (so you lose less heat) and dilate as soon as you enter a warm room. The result:red cheeks and a healthy glow. You don't have to worry about a shiny head in winter. Your skin now produces less oil and sebum, which results in a matte skin and fewer pimples. And as if that didn't make you beautiful enough, cold also promotes your blood circulation, which prevents bags under the eyes.

5. You sleep better

When you try to fall asleep, your body temperature drops. In the summer that process can take up to two hours, while in the winter you cool down much faster. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, you also tend to sleep longer in winter because it gets dark earlier. Your body then starts producing the sleep hormone melatonin earlier. In other words:you feel it is bedtime earlier. If you don't have to give in, you can. Because a good night's sleep only has advantages.

Source:Santé December 2019, text:Kim van der Meulen , image:GettyImages