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Make it through the night? This is the effect on your body

Make it through the night? This is the effect on your body

For some, New Year's Eve equals a good party and therefore often a lack of sleep. But did you know that if you make it through the night, your body takes a beating? We list all the effects of an all-nighter for you.

You fight against the natural urge to sleep

You probably know it; during a night's sleep, you fight against your sleep. In doing so, we expose ourselves to all kinds of factors that keep our bodies in action. Think of a lit room, walking around and standing, blue light from different screens and sources of caffeine. These are in direct opposition to factors that help your body enter its resting position, such as a dark environment, sitting and lying down, and closing your eyes. Pretty tiring for your body, so.

Read also: 'With these natural sleep remedies you fall asleep better'

You skip a recovery period

When you sleep, your body has time to relax, recharge and recover. All kinds of recovery processes take place in your body at night:cells and tissue are repaired, your brain is cleared of waste products, emotions and memories are processed and stored and the built-up fatigue of the day decreases. By staying up all night, these recovery processes are not triggered by your body and you skip them, as it were. And of course that also has a significant effect on how you function the day after…

Your stress hormones are skyrocketing

When you don't sleep, your body works on stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. This increases your stress levels enormously. A lack of sleep can also cause stress and anxiety. It is therefore important to watch out for the well-known vicious circle:stress and anxiety often cause us to sleep less well and sleep less to… fill it in!

You lose your focus

We said it before:at night your body recovers and waste products are removed from your brain. In addition, research has shown that the microstructures in your brain can change when you are suffering from a lack of sleep. These two factors together ensure that your brain cells are less able to communicate with each other. The result? Less focus and productivity. After all, everything costs more time and energy when you are tired.

Your memory has to endure

Did you know that with every hour of lack of sleep, your brain starts to work less efficiently? While you sleep, your short-term memories are moved to your long-term memory. If you stay through the night, this process will be disrupted and it will take more effort to recall memories.

You make bad decisions faster

Sleep deprivation affects your prefrontal cortex. And let them be linked to making decisions. When you don't sleep well, you make impulsive decisions more quickly, because you are less able to see the negative consequences of your decision. So it's better not to make important decisions after spending the night...

You get irritated faster

It's probably no surprise that you're often in a bad mood when you're sleep deprived. People get on your nerves faster, you look less fresh than usual and you don't speak as much. Perhaps it would be a better idea to spend New Year's Day on the couch under a blanket?

Your immune system gets upset

Little sleep can affect your body's production of cytokines, which play a major role in your immune system. This makes you more susceptible to viruses, such as a cold.

You are hungry faster

Sleeping through the night creates a hormonal imbalance and one that doesn't make your stomach very happy. The balance between leptin and ghrelin is disturbed and it is precisely the hormones that influence your feeling of hunger and satiety. The result:you feel hungry faster after a night of not sleeping. Then those leftover donuts from last night suddenly look very attractive…


Make it through the night? This is the effect on your body Make it through the night? This is the effect on your body