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This is how you sleep well despite all the stress

This is how you sleep well despite all the stress

Everyone has those periods when you have sleepless nights because you worry about someone close to you or events and deadlines at work. With these tips you can still sleep well despite all the stress.

Sometimes you just toss and turn in bed, because you suffer from stress. Sleep is often hard to find. But maybe with these tips you can get some peace in your head and get some necessary hours of sleep.

Read also: 'Your sleeping position has such a big influence on your sleep'

Take it easy before going to sleep

Take it easy about an hour or two before you go to sleep. Dim the lights and relax. Read a book, do some relaxing yoga exercises, or take a warm bath. If you do have to do something intensive, try to do it as calmly as possible.

No caffeine in the afternoon

Be careful with drinks that contain caffeine, such as cola and coffee. If you are a bad sleeper, these drinks can be the cause. Try not to drink these drinks for a month and see how it affects your sleep. And watch out for other products that may contain caffeine, such as chocolate and tea. Rather go for herbal tea, water or decaffeinated coffee.


Do not eat too heavy or too fat in the evening, but make sure you have a protein-rich meal with, for example, chicken, egg, rice and spinach. These foods contain a certain protein that ensures that you fall asleep better.

Regular schedule

Go to bed around the same time every night and get up around the same time. Research has shown that regularity during these times ensures that you have a better night's sleep.

Concentrate on your breathing

If you suffer from stress, you prefer to relax a bit when you go to sleep. You can do this by focusing on your breathing. By doing this, you will become a little calmer.

Light and sound

Make sure your room is well darkened. An eye mask can also provide complete blackout. Also use earplugs to block out annoying noises. Do you like to sleep with background noise, for example turn on a fan.

Take a warm bath

Research has shown that taking a warm bath regularly can reduce stress and improve sleep. For example, take a bath that is warmer than your body temperature and add a few drops of lavender oil to the water. Stay in the bath for about half an hour to completely relax.

Take plenty of rest during the day

Even though you are so busy, make sure to take a short break every now and then during the day. Go for a 15-minute walk or stand by the coffee machine a little longer. In any case, get off that screen or interrupt your work for a while to do something else. This way you can relax much better at the end of the day.