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Fitbits for women:how do you make the best choice?

Using a wearable to keep track of your sports performance is very common these days. You see them popping up in gyms, but also outside them. It can provide clear insights about interesting factors that you would like to know during sports.

The Fitbit is a well-known name in this world and is therefore used intensively by many people.

But how do you choose the best Fitbit? What are the differences between a sports watch, activity tracker and Fitbit? And what about Fitbits for women (what to look out for)? You will discover the answers in this article!

What is a Fitbit?

The Fitbit is a wearable mostly used by athletes, but not necessarily. You usually wear it as a kind of bracelet. Some people think that every “fitness bracelet” is a Fitbit, but the only real one is made by Fitbit itself.

There are also other brands that make their own fitness trackers. Think of Xiaomi, Garmin and polar. However, the Fitbit is quite popular. Of course you also have people who prefer an Apple watch, with which you can do even more things. We'll show you in a moment what differences there are between the wearables out there. This way you can make the right choice.

However, the prices of such a smartwatch are often a lot higher (certainly the Apple Watch is considerably more expensive). So if you only use it to measure your daily activities, a Fitbit is everything you're looking for. Furthermore, it is a lot cheaper!

Sports watch, activity tracker or smartwatch?

Many athletes choose a Fitbit because it meets all their wishes and requirements. You can keep a lot of useful information with it and also be a useful addition for non-athletes. In addition to measuring daily activities, other wearables have other (extra) options…compare them below.

Sport watch

A real sports watch is most suitable for athletes. Of course you are free to choose an activity tracker or smartwatch, but a sports watch is ideal for athletes. It is often just a bit more extensive and the best solution for fanatical athletes.

You wear it during exercise and can keep track of all your performance. Measuring and analyzing certain data is one thing, but it also gives you training schedules. The advantage is also that you only wear it during sports and so you do not (of course) have to wear it all day.

Sports watches come in different brands, types and sizes. It makes sense, of course, that Fitbits for women are different than those for men. This usually concerns colors and the design of the Fitbit.

Activity tracker

An activity tracker is a fairly basic watch that can pass on interesting data. It gives you insight into your daily activities. You can think of a pedometer, but also a heart rate monitor and sleep sensor.

Of course there are many more functions and you also have extensive variants with extra options. Compared to a smartwatch, the activity tracker often has a smaller display. For that reason, Fitbits for women are also often popular, because they have a beautiful (small) design.

Although the smartwatch is more of a “personal assistant”, it does have a slightly higher price tag (varies per brand).

Smart watch

You can of course ask yourself, what do you want to use it for? Pure and simple measurement of data on a small display is possible with an activity tracker (or a sports watch). However, a smartwatch has many more advantages.

You can also download apps on this for training or keeping track of a nutrition schedule. These apps can help you with your goals. You can also listen to music, view the agenda and quickly read messages that you receive. In short, it has many more features to offer.

You can also wear a smartwatch all day long.

What things should you pay attention to when buying it?

You first determine for yourself which type of wearable suits you, after which the fine-tuning can begin. It is different for everyone and a personal decision. There are a number of factors that you can pay attention to.

For example, you have activity trackers without a display and only with lights, but also with a display. It is for everyone personal which one suits the taste best. But things like a pedometer, heart rate monitor, or sleep sensor can also be things you filter on.

It is therefore always smart to compare with all available information. Do you also want to know which Fitbit, sports watch or activity trackers suit you best? Then take a look at this decision aid for wearables that will help you make the right choice.

Tips for women

Fitbits for women come in all shapes, sizes and colors. In most cases, women choose differently than men. For example, it can be about a certain design, size or colors that are used.

It is of course nice when a Fitbit, sports watch or activity tracker is a bit the size of a ladies watch. Or perhaps even smaller for the wearables without a display. It looks graceful and less bulky.

And then the design often plays a role, whereby a stylish watch naturally stands out much more. You can also choose feminine colors or that suit you personally, there are many different colors available. Or you can choose a neutral color e.g. white, black or gray that always match.