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Ask these 4 questions to find out if you really slept well

Ask these 4 questions to find out if you really slept well

How do you know if you really slept well? Perhaps a smartwatch can offer a solution, but you can also ask yourself these 4 questions.

A good night's sleep doesn't just mean being in bed for seven to nine hours. The National Sleep Foundation has listed criteria for a good night's sleep.

  1. Have you slept 85 percent of the time you were in bed?
  2. Did you fall asleep within 30 minutes? If you are older than 65, this may take up to an hour.
  3. Have you woken up less than once?
  4. Did you stay awake for less than 20 minutes during the night when you were awake?

Read also: 'Your sleeping position has such a big influence on your sleep'

How many yeses do you have?

Can you answer all questions with 'yes'? Then you had a good night's sleep. In addition, how you feel during the day is also an important indicator. If you are regularly tired during the day, you may not sleep as well as you think.

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