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Do you get cold quickly? There's an explanation for that

Do you get cold quickly? There s an explanation for that

Are you a cold-blooded person? There is probably a good explanation for that.

Read also: 10 Things You Recognize When You're Cold

Your body has more receptors for cold than for heat. This will make you cold faster. On average, women have more receptors for cold than men. That is one of the reasons why women often feel cold more quickly. Hormones also play a part. Before ovulation, many women's body temperature is one degree higher. Your weight also plays a role, as does a healthy diet and a good night's sleep.

Your body loses heat because of the following:

1. Air currents
Heat loss due to cold air flowing past.

2. Heat radiation
Your body radiates heat and that costs energy.

3. Evaporation
Your body gives off heat through sweat that evaporates on your skin surface.

4. Contact with colder things
A cold metal bar in the subway, cold air, a frozen bag of vegetables. By touching colder things, your body loses heat.

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