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Does cold make you cold?

Does cold make you cold?

Are you afraid of catching a cold if you go out without a scarf or with wet hair? We found out whether it is fact or fiction.

Cold in itself does not make you sick, says virologist Jan Wilschut on science news site NEMO Kennislink. It is true that cold viruses are more common in winter than in summer, but that is mainly due to ourselves:in winter we spend longer and more often close to each other in closed, sometimes poorly ventilated areas. The chance that virus particles from an infected colleague or friend will enter your respiratory tract after a sneeze or cough is therefore a lot higher than in the summer. Have you caught a cold? These home-garden-and-kitchen remedies can relieve your cold.

Read also: Do you get injured faster when it's cold?

Text:Kim van der Meulen | Image:Shutterstock