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Tips to neutralize the effect of coffee

Tips to neutralize the effect of coffee

Have you had too much coffee and are you bouncing? With these tips you neutralize the effects of too much caffeine.

  1. Eat one or two pieces of fruit, such as an orange, kiwi and/or grapefruit, to replenish your vitamin C level in one go. Vitamin C promotes the absorption of minerals.
  2. Drink a large glass of water.
  3. Caffeine causes a restless feeling. Try to calm down by meditating. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, or put a little lavender oil near you, the scent has a calming effect.
  4. Eat a healthy meal.
  5. For an extra fast result, you can sport away the extra energy that you have received from the coffee surplus. Run, cycle or walk for fifteen minutes and you will notice that the bounce effect decreases.