As soon as you have drunk a cup of coffee too much, you will notice the effect immediately. What can you do to neutralize the effect of too much caffeine?
For example, choose an orange, kiwi and/or grapefruit, so that you supplement your vitamin C level in one go. Vitamin C promotes the absorption of minerals.
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Unfortunately, water does not flush out the caffeine. Caffeine ensures that fluid leaves your body faster, because it stimulates the kidneys. Therefore, replenish the fluid in your body.
Caffeine causes a restless feeling. Try to calm down by meditating. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Meditating not for you? Then make sure that your breathing remains calm, that makes a difference.
Didn't you eat a lot? Then eating something can make you feel better.
For an extra fast result, you can sport away the extra energy that you have received from the coffee surplus. Run, cycle or walk for fifteen minutes and you will notice that the bounce effect decreases.
Photo:Andrew Tanglo via Unsplash